GitHub - KDE/k3b: Full-featured CD/DVD/Blu-ray burning and …
- K3b always knows about all optical devices and inserted media and adjusts the UI accordingly. - writing audio-cds. - On-the-fly decoding of many audio formats through plugin struxture. (decoding plugins for mp3, ogg vorbis, flac, wave, musepack, wma, aiff, and others) - CD-Text support.
K3b - KDE 应用程序
k3b 被创造为一个全功能的,易于使用的 cd 刻录程序。它由三个基本部分组成: 项目:项目可以从文件菜单创建,然后填入数据刻录; 工具: 工具菜单中提供不同的工具,像是 cd 复制或 dvd 格式化
K3b - KDE Applications
K3b was created to be a feature-rich and easy to handle CD burning application. It consists of basically three parts: The projects: Projects are created from the file menu and then filled with data to burn; The Tools: The tools menu offers different tools like CD copy or DVD formatting
K3b(光盘刻录) - KDE UserBase Wiki
如果你在Windows下已经用过Nero之类的刻录程序,会感觉很熟悉K3b的。 拥有简单但强大的图形界面,K3b 提供很多选项和方式刻录CD,或DVD,或 BD(蓝光)。支持多种类型的图形方案包括(但不仅限于)DVD 和 VCD 的音频,数据刻录方案,同时包括 multi-session 和混合 ...
Featuring a simple, yet powerful graphical interface, K3b provides various options for burning a CD, DVD, or BD (Blu-ray disc). Various types of optical projects are supported including (but not limited to) audio and data, video projects for DVD and VCD, as …
K3b - KDE UserBase Wiki
K3b is a simple, yet powerful and highly-configurable graphical optical disk burning application for audio, video, data projects and more! If you have used a burning program such as Nero under Windows, K3b will feel quite familiar.
How To Install k3b on Ubuntu 20.04 - Installati.one
In this tutorial we learn how to install k3b package on Ubuntu 20.04 using different package management tools: apt, apt-get and aptitude.
K3b-全功用的光盘烧录器材 - CSDN博客
2011年3月7日 · K3b是一款适用于Linux系统的全能光盘烧录软件,支持CD/DVD的烧录,特别为KDE桌面环境优化。 具备创建数据CD、音频CD及视频CD等功能,并支持多种音乐文件格式。
K3b-全功效的光盘烧录东西 - CSDN博客
K3b 可以说是一款全功效的光盘烧录运用步伐,它撑持在你的 Linux 系统中烧录 CD/DVD,并且非凡为 KDE 桌面情况作了优化。 如果你正在寻求合用于 Linux 情况的光盘烧录步伐,那么 K3b 真的值得你一试。
K3b - 维基百科,自由的百科全书