Dark Matter Camouflage | Call of Duty Wiki | Fandom
Dark Matter Camouflage is a hidden weapon camouflage featured in Call of Duty: Black Ops III. It also returns in Call of Duty: Black Ops 4, though it is not kept secret from the player and is featured next to the other unlockable camouflages. It features animated purple and blue smoke with a tint of black and red spots revolving around the gun.
[Release] [MP] BO3 "Dark Matter" (Accurate) - Plutonium
2022年3月29日 · I decided to make my own version of BO3's Dark Matter but this time keeping it accurate and faithful to the original camo. This camo will replace the Dragon or Cyborg camo in-game depending on which version you use. Make sure to give me any feedback to fix the camo if it doesn't look good! Download for Cyborg version:
BO3 dark matter is so much better. Treyarch needs to make it ... - Reddit
2020年11月23日 · didn't they patch dark matter to make it look better in bo3? maybe they'll do the same with DM ultra and Dark aether
Ahrimdon/bo3-mxt-mod-menu-v1.0.5-bundle - GitHub
Start Black Ops 3 and go to the zombies or multiplayer main menu (where you see "Find Game"). 4. Maximize Process Hacker and find bo3.exe in the list of running applications. 5. Right click on bo3.exe --### Misc. (Miscellaneous) --### Inject .dll. 6. It will then prompt you for a file, find MXT Menu v1.0.5 in the prompt and select it. 7.
GitHub - shiversoftdev/BO3Enhanced: BO3Enhanced is a …
BO3Enhanced is a mod for the Windows Store edition of Black Ops 3 that allows you to crossplay with Steam and use the Steam game files. You must own the Steam version of the game to connect online!
GitHub - Joshr520/BO3-Practice-Tool: A tool for the Steam …
A tool for the Steam version of Black Ops 3, useful for practicing speedrunning and testing strats. Credits to Serious for his compiler: https://github.com/shiversoftdev/t7-compiler. Video Tutorial. Didn't Work? Your antivirus may be interfering with the compiler located in the GSC folder.
使命召唤12:黑色行动3 - 3DM游戏网
2015年11月6日 · 《使命召唤12:黑色行动3 (Call of Duty: Black Ops 3)》是由Treyarch制作发行的一款第一人称射击类游戏,是人气FPS系列《使命召唤》的第十二部正统作品。 本作故事发生在未来世界,玩家作为黑色特种部队中一员,在一次行动中与队友失联,玩家的任务是找到团队,并揭露真相。 3DM使命召唤12:黑色行动3游戏专区提供了使命召唤12:黑色行动3中文版下载以及国内外第一手游戏资讯,详细的流程攻略,专业的汉化补丁,完善的修改器和超多有游 …
ISLE OF CTHULHU - Steam Community
2023年8月15日 · If you start the match and your game ends, please load the Isle of Cthulhu mod before playing. Link to mod is provided via Patreon DM. You won't need the mod once you've been added to the map once it's been updated.
Call of Duty: Black Ops III | CoD:BO3 | Mods & Resources
Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Mods & Resources by the CoD:BO3 Modding Community.
BO3 - 百度百科
bo3就是总场次为3场。 就是人们常说的三局两胜,同理还有BO1、BO5等等。 单败是区别双败赛制来说的,就单败本身来说,世界杯从16强后的比赛就是单败制,即单场淘汰制(bo1)。