Zürich Security Forces | Call of Duty Wiki | Fandom
The Zürich Security Forces, or ZSF, alternatively known as the Zürich Defense Force, is a private security force that appears in Call of Duty: Black Ops III. Tasked with defending the city of Zürich from an influx of anti-technological terrorist attacks aimed at the controversial Coalescence...
Life | Call of Duty Wiki | Fandom
2015年11月6日 · As Hendricks causes mayhem in Zürich through his control of the local robots, The Player and Kane power through several waves of his machines, before reaching the entrance of the Coalescence Corporation, which is now a warzone between hundreds of robots and the struggling ZSF forces supporting them.
Griffin | Call of Duty Wiki | Fandom
Griffin is a minor character in Call of Duty: Black Ops III, who appears in the missions "New World" and "Life". Griffin is a member of the Zürich Security Forces in Switzerland. He is first seen within the mission New World assaulting the suspected terrorist cell's compound alongside the Player and Taylor's Team.
What's the point of Zurich 2054? : r/blackops3 - Reddit
2022年12月16日 · 2054 Zurich was actually a report written by the ZSF, Zurich Security Forces, which talks about a terrorist attack that had happened when a private commuter train exploded while it was on its way to the Coalescence Corporation of Zurich.
Life and Ending Explained : r/blackops3 - Reddit
2022年3月29日 · Once the Player opens the door to the exit, A ZSF soldier approaches them asking what their name is. Seconds later before shutdown, the Player who controlled the body temporarily answers "Taylor" to the soldier and finally dies in peace.
【图片】【原创】BO3黑色行动剧情完整分析,以及所有隐藏内容 …
首先,要知道BO3的真实剧情走向,有一个很容易被人忽略的部分,但恰恰又是最重要的部分,其实是每段任务开始之前的任务简报。 这个任务简报滚动的速度非常快,而且是英文的没有汉化,所以很多人就忽略了,但是如果你一帧一帧把任务简报截图下来,你会发现…… 我们先从第一关的任务简报看起。 我不全部翻译了,这里面最初的几句话说明的内容大致是“……导致Hendricks的小队基本上全军覆没,但这件事主要是我的关系,是我自作主张决定去救下剩下的那些俘虏,不 …
[Spoilers] [Campaign Explained] Two storylines, brilliant writing.
The campaign of BO3 actually tells stories from two timelines: the actual events from Taylor's perspective and the simulation created by Corvus. Here is a brief summary of the first timeline:
GitHub - Joshr520/BO3-Practice-Tool: A tool for the Steam …
A tool for the Steam version of Black Ops 3, useful for practicing speedrunning and testing strats. Credits to Serious for his compiler: https://github.com/shiversoftdev/t7-compiler. Video Tutorial. …
bo3真的算竞技么?游戏王能竞技么?问题以及更多的想法【游戏 …
2022年5月1日 · 简单说下规则,bo3第一把随机先后,接下来的两局谁输了谁选先后。 分析:这样规则下,假设双方均选用了电脑界并默认不卡手无手坑干扰,首先A拿到了先手
回复:刚来 如何评价LPL第一中单这个bo3的发挥?【抗压背锅吧 …
2025年3月10日 · 刚来 如何评价LPL..去年春决被太守岩雀沙皇正反手教学,msi小炮绝活哥还要靠玉玉的小树在中路站岗才能对线的小炮王被吹得飞起结果被g23:0愉悦送走被老年caps打烂,石油杯被老年大飞用亚索戏耍,夏季赛被老年小虎打烂,世界
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