Cray | Breath of Fire Wiki | Fandom
Cray is a playable character who appears in Breath of Fire IV. He is the current chief of the Woren tribe post and harbors feelings for his childhood friend, Princess Elina of Wyndia. Since Elina's mysterious disappearance, he and her younger sister, Nina have been searching for her.
葛雷 - 萌娘百科 万物皆可萌的百科全书
葛雷/葛蕾 (gray / grey カイショク)是欧美地区姓氏之一,有“ 灰色 ”的含义,可以是指以下内容: 葛雷 (BOF4) (Cray)————《龙息之焰系列》的登场角色。 奥特曼:葛雷 ————特摄片《奥特曼系列》之《葛雷奥特曼》的登场角色。 格蕾 (Gray)————轻小说《君主·埃尔梅罗二世事件簿》的登场角色。 寇蒂莉亚·葛蕾 (Cordelia Gray)————英国作家 P·D 詹姆斯 作品《达利格利巡警视》的登场角色,漫画作品《名侦探柯南》中出场人物 灰原哀 是其的艺术再加工。 这 …
Breath of Fire IV – Guide and Walkthrough - GameFAQs
2001年1月6日 · Cray suggests fiddling with the handle, so rapidly press the X button to manually bring the lift down to you. However, in the meantime a literal tsunami of mud begins to sweep across the entire...
About Cray... - Breath of Fire IV - GameFAQs
I never found Cray to be very useful either, though. His stat boosting things are just a waste of time in most cases and a swift, powerful offense worked better than defense for me. He can be...
List of Breath of Fire IV Characters - Fandom
Cray is the Chief of the Woren Nation and a lover of the Wyndian Princess, Elina. He is a quite temperamental guy whose purpose of journeying is to find the missing princess and to ensure the safety of Princess Nina who is also searching for her missing sister.
Cray - Breath of Fire Wiki - Neoseeker
2008年10月20日 · Cray is a playable character in Breath of Fire IV. The young leader of the Woren tribe, Cray is highly reminiscent of Rei from the previous game. In one instance, he even copies his trademark...
Breath of Fire IV Story | Breath of Fire Wiki | Fandom
Aboard the sanflier are Princess Nina of Wyndia, and Cray, the leader of the Woren Clan. They are in the process of scouring towns in the area for information on the whereabouts of Nina's older sister and Cray's childhood friend, Elina, who disappeared sometime earlier while on a
Looking for advice on BOF4 : r/breathoffire - Reddit
2023年4月10日 · BOF4 is a nice upgrade from BOF3 because your entire party gets EXP, not just the 3 characters that you use up front. My advice, lookup the best Masters and then just grind a little after every main quest. I will say Momo is a pretty solid pick for Ryu. A lot of his more powerful dragon moves scale off HP, and unlike Una it doesn’t cut Ryu’s speed.
DEH Designs fan-made Guide: Breath Of Fire IV
Not to fear though, Start off by Meditating Ryu into Aura, boosting Cray with his Speed, and Nina protecting herself with Barrier. Now focus on chaining Ryu's Flame Strike with more Melee attacks in Combos until Maman goes down in no time.
Breath of Fire IV – Guide and Walkthrough - GameFAQs
2007年2月25日 · Cray should cover it up with a normal attack. if the combo | | between Ryu and Scias is succesful Agiel should be dead after this turn. | | Thanks to that Yeleb (the black one) can no longer...