Boötes I - Wikipedia
The Boötes Dwarf Galaxy (Boo I dSph) is a galaxy discovered in 2006, which appears faint, with a luminosity of 100,000 L☉ and an absolute magnitude of –5.8. It lies about 197,000 light-years (60.4 kiloparsecs) away in the constellation Boötes.
Boötes constellation: Location, stars and mythology | Space
2023年6月28日 · Boötes is the 13th largest constellation in the night sky and contains one of the brightest stars in the sky, Arcturus. Boötes is an ancient Greek word that roughly translates as the ox-driver, or...
Boötes Constellation (the Herdsman): Stars, Myth, Facts, Location ...
Boötes is one of the largest constellations in the sky. Located in the northern celestial hemisphere, the constellation is dominated by the Kite, a diamond-shaped asterism formed by its brightest stars. The constellation’s name comes from the Greek word Βοώτης, Boōtēs, which means ox driver, plowman, or herdsman.
Boötes Dwarf Galaxy (Boötes I) – Constellation Guide
2011年5月25日 · The Boötes Dwarf Galaxy, also known as Boötes I, is a satellite galaxy to the Milky Way. It lies approximately 197,000 light years from Earth. It is located in the constellation Boötes, the Herdsman. Boötes I is a rather faint galaxy. It has an apparent visual magnitude of 13.1 and an absolute magnitude of -5.8.
牧夫座 - 百度百科
牧夫座(拉丁语:Boötes /boʊˈoʊtiːz/)是全天88星座之一,位于北天 室女座 的东北方,宽度约30度,高度约50度。 牧夫座是现代的88个星座之一,也是第二世纪的天文学家托勒密叙述的48个星座之一,它含了全夜空中的第四亮星,橙巨星的 大角星。 牧夫座也是其他许多亮星的家,包括8颗比4等亮的星和21颗5等以上的星,总共有29颗肉眼可以轻松看见的恒星。 [14] 牧夫座可以分成两大部分:大角星与东西侧的星和北边许多围成 五边形 的星星。 牧夫座内的 大角星 是夜空 …
Boötes Void - Wikipedia
The Boötes Void (/ boʊˈoʊtiːz / boh-OH-teez) (colloquially referred to as the Great Nothing) [1] is an approximately spherical region of space found in the vicinity of the constellation Boötes, containing only 60 galaxies instead of the 2,000 that should be …
The Constellation Boötes - Universe Today
In the northern skies, flanked by the Big Dipper, lies the Bootes constellation, one of the traditional constellations listed by Ptolemy
牧夫座空洞 - 百度百科
牧夫座空洞是 宇宙 中一非常巨大,几乎没有星系存在的 区域,是已知的空洞之一。 牧夫座空洞也是已知的最大空洞之一,平均每一千万光年才有一个星系, 有时它被称为超级空洞。 牧夫座空洞于1981年被发现,直径约2.5 亿光年,距离地球大约7亿 光年。 从地球看它大概在 牧夫座 方向的区域,这也是它名称的由来。 一个恰当的比方来形容它的大小,“如果银河系位于牧夫座空洞的中心,那么人类直到1960年代也不会发现其他的星系存在。 ” (葛雷·艾德林, 明尼苏达大学)。 …
Bootes Constellation | Stars, Nebulae and Viewing Guide
Boötes, pronounced "boh-OH-teez," is a prominent constellation in the northern sky. Its name means "herdsman" or "plowman" in Greek, and it is often depicted as a figure driving oxen and plowing the heavens. Boötes is best known for its bright star Arcturus, one of …
BOOTES - Greek Demi-God of the Plough & Wagon - THEOI …
Bootes was the ancient Greek demi-god inventor of the wagon and the plough. He was set amongst the stars by his mother, the goddess Demeter, as the constellations Bootes and the Wain (Ursa Major).