What was the origin of Star Trek's Borg?
2016年5月27日 · Massive amounts of knowledge, including the location of Earth, were lost in the resulting conflict, and the Borg of the 24th century were born. I think it's a bit of a stretch, but …
star trek - Was V'ger responsible for the creation of the Borg ...
2011年1月19日 · The extra section of the game Star Trek: Legacy contains the "Origin of the Borg", which tells the story of V'ger being sucked into a black hole. V'ger was found by a race …
star trek - How did the Borg come into being? - Science Fiction ...
2015年5月9日 · The origin of the Borg is vague. What is known is by hearsay or brief contacts with Borg survivors or even the Borg itself. According to the Borg Queen, the species known …
Where did the name "The Borg" -- as in Star Trek -- come from?
I always thought that since the Borg are part organic and part machine that means they are cyborgs. So the creators must have just shortened the word to Borg. Again, that's just my …
Did the Borg originally have another name (and if so, what was it)?
2015年6月30日 · According to information found, among other places, in this question, the name Borg is an abbreviated version of Cyborg, referring to the nature of the Borg. As can also be …
star trek - Why did the Borg name Locutus? - Science Fiction
2011年9月20日 · Just to add an additional theory to this. ST: Picard, Season 2 adds a potential explanation for why the Queen would want to turn Picard into a sort of equal. Spoilers follow. …
In-universe, what is the origin of the name "Borg"? [duplicate]
2015年6月24日 · The Borg name issue is controversial at least. I find it quite odd for a species like this to choose a name (and not just a number like "species 1" unless they keep numbering …
Was V'ger (the Voyager 6 space probe) the beginning of the Borg ...
2018年10月26日 · If so, then in the prequel series Enterprise, when Archer and his crew are unable to destroy the shuttle modified by the Borg drones found in the arctic (the one …
star trek - How did the Borg come to know about Earth? - Science ...
2012年5月28日 · When Q sends the Enterprise to meet the Borg, the Borg were already on their way to Earth. Q considered himself helping the Federation by revealing the new threat. This …
star trek - Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange
2016年1月9日 · Like the Cybermen, the Borg assimilate other cultures and transform individuals into members of their own race. Like the Cybermen, the Borg eschew personal identity and …