Dragons and eagles of the Borghese family - romeartlover.it
Eagles and dragons in the Neoclassical entrance to Villa Borghese from Porta del Popolo. With Pope Paul V (Camillo Borghese, pope from 1605 to 1621) and his nephew Cardinal Scipione Caffarelli Borghese, this family of Siena became one of the most important in the history of Rome. The family survives to these days.
Scipione Borghese - Wikipedia
The most striking feature of the restoration is the incidence of Borghese's name and symbols. Atop the portico's parapet stand eagle and dragon (the Borghese symbols) statuettes; underneath is the façade dedication: Scipione Borghese, Grand Penitentiary, Cardinal and …
Attributed to Giacomo Laurenziani | Dragon | Italian, Rome | The ...
The dragon was a heraldic emblem of the Borghese family, and this one was probably cast during the reign of the Borghese pope Paul V (1605–21). More recently, James David Draper compared the piece to the Fountain of the Dragons, in Loreto, by the brothers Pietro Paolo and Tarquinio Jacometti, dated between 1619 and 1622, after a design by ...
Borghese Princes - Dukes and Princes
2020年4月21日 · The Borghese dragon, with the Imperial eagle added Agostino’s sons and grandsons continued to move between the worlds of trade and politics in both Siena and Rome, then his great-grandson, Count Marcantonio moved his family to Rome, as the ambassador from Siena to the Holy See in 1537.
Uccelliera Villa Borghese | Borghese Gardens Attractions
The Uccelliera (aviary) was designed by Girolamo Rainaldi in XVII century and features the heraldic symbols of the Borghese, eagles and dragons, depicted in the facade. According to historical documents dating back to 1616, rare and precious birds could be seen by visitors in the aviaries located in the vaulted gallery.
Orpheus - Provenzale Marcello - Galleria Borghese
The mosaic, dated and signed at the bottom centre, was made in 1618 by Marcello Provenzale for Cardinal Scipione Borghese, whose coat of arms - an eagle and a dragon - is evoked virtually to the right of the protagonist and in the four medallions within the …
View Article: Bernini's Sculptures in the Villa Borghese
The Borghese family symbol is an eagle and a dragon, both to be found in various forms throughout the villa. At David’s feet, the harp that he was to play after his victory is decorated with an eagle’s head, a direct reference to the Borghese family.
Dragons and eagles of the Borghese family - Tripod
Eagles and dragons in the Neoclassical entrance to Villa Borghese from Porta del Popolo With Pope Paul V (Camillo Borghese, pope from 1605 to 1621) and his nephew Cardinal Scipione, this family of Siena became one of the most important in the history of Rome.
«Bernini’s Metamorphosis: Sculpture, Poetry, and the Embodied …
Taking as a case study the marble group of Apollo and Daphne, sculpted by Giovan Lorenzo Bernini for Cardinal Scipione Borghese in the 1620s, this paper discusses the exchange between sculpture and poetry in determining how the beholder engages the
Detail of a Borghese Dragon on the Aqua Paola on the Janic
At the top of the fountain are the papal tiara and keys, above the Borghese family coat of arms of an eagle and a dragon, supported by angels. The inscription praises Pope Paul in poetic terms for bringing water to the residents of the district.
- 查看次数: 1907