What do the letter codes in box 12 of my W-2 mean? - Intuit
When you're entering your box 12 info, don't enter the lowercase letters next to 12 (12a, 12b, 12c, 12d, sometimes 12a-d)—they're just line labels. Only enter the capital letter codes. For …
How do I fill out the box 12 information from my W-2? - Intuit
Important: Don't confuse the lowercase box 12 letter (for example, the a in box 12a) with the capital letters in the dropdown. So, if your box 12a has the letter code D in it, select D (not A) …
Solved: I don't understand my HSA contribution - Box 12 has
2019年6月7日 · On your W-2, Box 12 with code W indicates "Employer contributions to Health Savings Account.". Even though it says "employer" contributions, it is the sum of the amounts …
Box 12 on my w-2 says D 23 539.52 What do i enter on that box.
Box 12 on my w-2 says D 23 539.52 What do i enter on that box. No, this would not be construed as two different reporting since both year's retirement plans was contributed in 2024 by the …
What is code DD in box 12 of my W-2? - Intuit
Box 12 amounts with the code DD signify the total cost of what you and your employer paid for your employer-sponsored health coverage plan. Code DD amounts are for informational …
Where do I enter Box 12 (Bond Premium on Treasury Obligations …
2019年6月5日 · Make sure you have a box 3 entry to go along with box 12....not sure about box 10. And do not put a 0.00 in any box..any box with a zero in it should be left empty (maybe box …
Solved: W-2 box 1 and box 12 code II don't match - ttlc.intuit.com
W-2 box 1 and box 12 code II don't match Last year my wife started to get paid as a live-in care worker for our daughter. Unfortunately, the Difficulty of Care Federal Income Tax Exclusion …
How to file IHSS Medicaid waiver payments when W-2 has 00 in all …
2025年1月25日 · Some TurboTax customers with a W-2 with a code II in box 12 for Medicaid waiver payments excluded from income may notice an issue where these payments aren't …
What does Box 12 code "w" on my w2 mean? And why am I losing …
2019年5月31日 · To confuse things further, my 2017 and 2018 W-2s only list the $1,500 employer contribution. If the comments here are correct that Box 12 code W should include both …
Box 12 Basis reported or not reported to the IRS? - Intuit
2022年2月22日 · Hello, I’m new with the form 1099-B and I just wondering if this is suppose to be the actual Box 12 and since mine says, “BASIS NOT REPORTED TO THE IRS” if that’s what …