GitHub - boxer-cpr/boxer: Common packages for Boxer, …
This repository contains 4 ROS packages for use with Clearpath's Boxer 2.4, running ROS Noetic: boxer_description-- the Boxer's URDF and associated STL files; boxer_msgs-- message definitions used by various Boxer packages; boxer_control-- configuration and launch files for Boxer's control nodes (both real & simulation)
Boxer - GitHub
Boxer has 5 repositories available. Follow their code on GitHub.
boxer-cpr/boxer_robot: Robot packages for Boxer - GitHub
The boxer_base package contains the necessary launch files and scripts to translate the ROS2 topics into their appropriate ROS1 names. By default the Otto 100 publishes all topics into a namespace matching the robot's physical serial number.
Dog Trainer Saves Dog with CPR Jukin Media Verified (Original)
2011年3月5日 · Canyon Crest K9 Training Center owner, Ron Pace, saves the life of a boxer with CPR during a regular training session. During the session, the dog went into a seizure. As he stopped breathing...
Boxer Tutorials | Clearpath Robotics Documentation
2023年10月23日 · Boxer V2.4 and V2.5 are a collaboration between the teams at OTTO Motors and Clearpath Robotics. Boxer is a large indoor mobile robot for prototyping and development of industrial applications. It is a lightly modified OTTO 100 robot, equipped with a Backpack Computer mounted to the top of the Base Unit.
How To Give Your Dog CPR | the Daily Boxer
2013年7月23日 · Do you know how to give your dog CPR should a situation arise? Read this very informative infographic to save your dog's life.
2013年12月5日 · The Boxer Dog Forum » General Category » Boxer Food and Health Issues » Dog CPR
Boxer ROS Packages — Boxer Tutorials 0.1.0 documentation
Boxer ROS Packages¶ Boxer’s Noetic packages are split into 5 repositories on Github: Boxer – the core description and control packages, needed for physical and simulated robots. Boxer Robot – core launch files and services needed for operating a physical Boxer. Boxer Simulation – Gazebo simulation packages for Boxer
GitHub - boxer-cpr/boxer_manipulation: Repository to store all ...
Repository to store all necessary packages for common manipulator integrations. This branch is intended for use with the Boxer 2.4 using ROS Noetic. Note that the noetic-devel branch is still …
Dog CPR | Boxer World Forums
2012年6月16日 · I am certified in pet first aid and CPR. I performed CPR on Cami once. The video with the Boxer is a wonderful thing to witness however the CPR wasn't done correctly. PLEASE look at other instructional videos to learn how to perform CPR correctly. To do otherwise might not have a successful outcome as "Sugar" did in the video.