是一家集研发、设计、制造、销售及售后为一体且具备工程总承包能力的中国高新技术和国家级专精特新企业。 深耕固碱蒸发装置20年,先后承接国内外固碱蒸发装置EPC项目70多个,在该领域有着自己独特且雄厚的软硬件实力。 博张具备完整的产业资源和全产业自主知识产权储备,在材料研发、化工工艺技术、产品创新等方面现拥有专利100余项。 热烈祝贺张健董事长荣获“2024十大重庆科技创新年度企业家”称号。 热烈祝贺! 重庆博张获评“重庆市优秀民营企业”! 重庆博张 …
Custom Homes - Bozco Construction - NY
Bozco Construction, which has its headquarters in Hudson Valley, has been providing its services to the counties of Westchester, Bergen, and Rockland since 2009.
Bozco Enterprises | Reclamation Construction Provost
With over 30 years of experience in the oilfield industry, 20 years of experience in the reclamation industry and a strong farming background, Bozco Enterprises understand the needs of our …
重庆博张机电设备有限公司 - 爱企查
重庆博张机电设备有限公司是一家专精特新小巨人的企业,该公司成立于2003年07月08日,位于重庆市沙坪坝区凤凰镇青凤高科创新孵化中心项目二期2层10号,目前处于开业状态,经营范围包括一般项目:软件开发;软件销售;研制、开发:石油机械、化工机械、水泵、风机、压缩机、硫磺结片机、通用机械产品及配件;水泵、压缩机、硫磺结片机的维修及改造;成套化工装置、成套输采油、输采气装置、成套污水处理装置、油气田的废水回注及处理装置的设计、制造、安装、 …
Custom Automation Flower-lines Bucket | California | Bozco …
At Bozco Resources, we manufacture and distribute proven, high quality equipment, either custom made, or selected expressly for your application. Our expertise in applications and solutions allow us to tailor the machinery and components to fit your needs.
是一家集产品研发、工艺设计、设备制造、销售及售后服务为一体且具备工程总承包能力的企业,专注为氯碱化工企业客户提供蒸发与浓缩整套服务解决方案。 深耕固碱蒸发装置20年,先后承接国内外固碱蒸发装置EPC项目70多个,产品远销亚非欧多个国家,在该领域有着自己独特且雄厚的软硬件实力。 智能结片机由在线检测系统、中央数据处理系统、智能调刀系统、自动润滑系统、在线运行及故障检测、远程维护系统、碱槽及自动升降系统、转鼓部件、喷淋冷却系统、机座部 …
Bozco Handyman | Residential & Commercial Handyman Service
With more than 15 years of experience in handyman services, Brook Boswell provides a wide range of services to ensure your residential and/or commercial property is running smoothly. Service areas include: Need a recommendation? Checkout 90+ reviews on Angie's List. Bozco Handyman offers a variety of services and half-day and full-day rates.
关于我们-重庆博张机电设备有限公司 - bozco.cn
重庆博张机电设备有限公司 关于我们 重庆博张机电设备有限公司是一家具备产品研发、工艺设计、设备制造、销售及售后服务为一体工程总承包能力的中国高新技术企业,专注为氯碱化工企业客户提供蒸发与浓缩整套服务解决方案
Bozco Construction LLC · Bozin, Pete S - OpenGovWA
Bozco Construction LLC (License #BOZCOCL905PL) is a contractor business in COLBERT licensed by the Department of Labor and Industries of the State of Washington. The license was effective from October 13, 2010, expiring on October 28, 2024. The license type is Construction Contractor. The current status of the license is ACTIVE.
32%-50%工艺流程(三效逆流降膜蒸发)-重庆博张机电设备有限 …
采用三效逆流降膜蒸发技术将浓度为32%的原料碱浓缩到50%,经冷却后成为50%成品液碱,加热需要的为0.8MPa G的生蒸汽。 工艺流程简述. 碱路. 从界区外送来的32%NaOH溶液加入 III 效降 …