Export credit Agency - Bpifrance.com
Bpifrance Assurance Export is the French Export Credit Agency. In keeping with our mission to boost French exports and reinforcing our range of products, Bpifrance offers a wide array of export insurance solutions for French companies and banks with the direct guarantee of …
Bpifrance Assurance Export | Export Credit Agency (ECA) in France
Bpifrance Assurance Export, a subsidiary of Bpifrance, administers the management of government export guarantees for and under the control of the State. In keeping with the mission to boost French exports, Bpifrance offers a wide array of export insurance solutions for French companies and banks with the direct guarantee of the French State.
About us - Bpifrance.com
Since January 2017, Bpifrance Assurance Export, a subsidiary of Bpifrance, has been managing public export guarantees in the name, on behalf and under the control of the French Government. Bpifrance’s objective is to help French companies by facilitating their export capacity and improving the attractiveness of their offers to foreign customers.
or co-insurance with other partner ECAs) and local content possible within specific limits (maximum 50% of the “export contract” as per the OECD rules). COUNTRY RISK Country risk, classified 0 to 7 (political risk), as per OECD country risk classification. FRENCH CONTENT FOR EXPORT CREDIT INSURANCE
Have an extensive network of 25 Export finance personnel including specialists for each ECA, including teams located in the US, UK, Germany, UAE, Korea, Japan, Singapore, and China. Our global team is best suited to provide on the ground advice and feedback to our Clients and also liaise closely with ECAs and Contractors in their home markets.
Assurance Caution Export - Bpifrance
Remettre des cautions à vos acheteurs étrangers afin de remporter vos marchés exports. Faciliter l’émission de ces cautions en couvrant l’établissement émetteur contre le risque de non remboursement des sommes dues par votre entreprise en situation de carence ou d’insolvabilité judiciaire. Assuré éligible :
ed by Bpifrance Assurance Export. This fixed rate, known as the “Make-up interest rate”, may be as low as the Commercial Interest Reference Rate (CIRR) defined by the OECD Arrangement on Oficially Supported Export Credits (
Bpifrance fait de l’export une priorité
La gestion des garanties publiques à l’export a été transférée à Bpifrance en 2017. De ce fait, et via sa filiale dédiée, Bpifrance Assurance Export représente l’agence de crédit export française (ou ECA pour Export Credit Agency). Depuis, son impact sur les exportations françaises est chaque année plus structurant.
ECA Financing and ECA-guaranteed Finance Rankings – Full Year 2021 Global ECA Financing Volume by MLA – FY 2021 Global ECA Financing (ex. Aircraft and Shipping) Volume by MLA – FY 2021 Rank Mandated Lead Arranger
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