BROWNING 1919A6 - Small Arms Review
2012年6月1日 · Some wag once described a camel as a horse designed by a committee. If that’s true the M1919A6 is the camel of the light machine gun world. It looks like the small arms equivalent of a couple of kids building a dog house from scrap lumber.
M1919A6式机枪 - 百度百科
M1919A6式机枪是根据 美国陆军 在 第二次世界大战 期间的紧急需要而设计生产的。 此枪是M1919A4式的改进型,1943年作为班用轻机枪代替 勃朗宁自动步枪。 该枪远谈不上轻便,不过是在M1919A4机枪的基础上添加了肩托、两脚架和消焰器。 它笨重而令人讨厌,所有使用者都打心眼里讨厌它。 大多数使用者要求去掉肩托和两脚架,还原为M1919A4标准型,并安装三脚架。 人们一直认为将勃朗宁自动步枪作为班用自动武器更合适。 M60机枪 面世后,A6便没有存在的 …
M1919 Browning machine gun - Wikipedia
The M1919 Browning is a .30 caliber medium machine gun that was widely used during the 20th century, especially during World War II, the Korean War, and the Vietnam War. The M1919 saw service as a light infantry, coaxial, mounted, aircraft, and anti-aircraft machine gun by the U.S and many other countries.
M1919A6 Light Machine Gun — America’s Unhappy Compromise
2022年12月20日 · The M1919A6 guns can be seen in action (with and without their shoulder stocks) in increasing numbers during the last year of World War II. The gun had few vices, and other than its hefty weight the A6 offered service equal to that of the A4.
Browning M1919A6 - Weaponsystems.net
The M1919A6 fires the .30-06 Springfield rounds from belts of various lengths. The cyclic rate of fire is rather low at 400 to 550 rpm. The lighter barrel compared to the M1919A4 makes the A6 less suitable for sustained fire. Firing from the bipod makes the M1919A6 less accurate at longer ranges than the A4.
U.S. Ordnance Browning M1919A6 Semi-Automatic Rifle with …
Included with the rifle is a green U.S. Ordnance crate, Israeli marked buttstock, front carrying handle, bipod, field manual for 1919A4 and A6 machine guns, and three tins of bore cleaning solution.
2002年4月1日 · While the U.S. 7.62 M60 General Purpose Machine Gun was the most prevalent weapon of its type used during the Vietnam War, it fought alongside a seasoned veteran. The old soldier sharing the machine gun role was the venerable Browning 1919A4 and 1919A6.
Historical Firearms - Browning M1919 A6 Developed as a squad …
Browning M1919 A6. Developed as a squad support light machine gun the A6 was little more than a slightly lighter version of the famous Browning .30 cal seen in almost every WWII movie. The A6 was intended to be a match for the German MG34 and MG42 which were
M1919 A4/A6 Machinegun – ARMY RANGERS
M1919 A4/A6 Machinegun. M1919 Browning .30 medium machinegun Before the end of WWI, the US Ordnance Department realized the need for a smaller machinegun. The water-cooled M1917A1 was just too heavy and cumbersome. The M1919A4 was lighter, air-cooled, and a lot more portable. It was usually mounted on the M2 tripod to help with stability when ...
Variants of the M1919 are the A1; A2; A3; A4; A5; A6; M37 and AN/M2. The data on global distribution and production is provided primarily by the BwVC1, but also from national and regional focal points on SALW control; data published by think tanks, international organizations and experts; and/or data provided by individual researchers on SALW.