DRB Class 52 - Wikipedia
Following the invasion of Poland in September 1939 Nazi Germany disbanded the Polish State Railways (PKP). Polish rail officials were either executed in mass shootings or imprisoned, and some 8,000 managerial positions were staffed with German officials. [2]
德意志国铁路52型蒸汽机车 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
从1942年到1945年战争结束时,德国共制造了6300多辆BR52,再加上战后初期生产的机车,其总数高达6719辆,总共17家工厂参与了BR52的制造。 BR52还有一种略为放大的型号——BR42,但生产数量较少。
Kriegslokomotive - Wikipedia
The best-known and the most produced German war locomotive, or Kriegslokomotive: DRB Class 52 Kriegslokomotiven (German: for "war locomotives", singular: Kriegslokomotive) or Kriegsloks were locomotives produced in large numbers during the Second World War under Nazi Germany.
【图片】【机车科普】德意志铁血战车——BR52型蒸汽机车_蒸汽 …
总之,BR52型机车是民主德国数量最多的一种机车,一种运行到80年代才退休。 15台未经改造的BR52型机车直到1986年还上线值勤,而改造后的52.80型机车则一直工作到1989年,即民主德国铁路蒸汽机车时代的结束。
Engines of the Wehrmacht in WW2
The German Reichsbahn's class BR 52, also known as the " Kriegslokomotive " [war locomotive], was built in large numbers from September of 1942 onwards, totalling more than 6,700 units.
德意志国铁路52型蒸汽机车(DR-Baureihe 52)是德意志国铁路在二战期间大量制造的一种轴式为2-10-0的蒸汽机车,是一种“战争机车”(德语:Kriegslokomotiven)。 该型机车是由战前的德意志国铁路50型蒸汽机车发展而来的,其设计可以大大减少贵重材料的使用,从而达到大批量生产的目的。 所谓“战争机车”并不仅仅指52型,这一总称大概包括十余种型号,主要是42、50、52三个系列,但52型无疑是其中最著名的。
BR-52 German Military locomotive - Real History Online
2023年1月5日 · In six months, the “peaceful” BR 50 turned into a “military” steam locomotive BR 52. Of the 6,000 parts, about 1,000 were abolished altogether, and 3,000 were modified. The total consumption of materials was reduced by 26 tons, including the reduced consumption of non-ferrous metals from 2.8 tons to 150 kg.
DRB Class 52 | Locomotive Wiki | Fandom
Following the invasion of Poland in September 1939 Nazi Germany disbanded the Polish State Railways (PKP). Polish rail officials were either executed in mass shootings or imprisoned, and some 8,000 managerial positions were staffed with German officials.
DR-Baureihe 52 – Wikipedia
Die Lokomotiven der Baureihe 52 der Deutschen Reichsbahn sind die bekanntesten deutschen Kriegslokomotiven. Sie wurden ab 1942 in mehr als 7000 Exemplaren gebaut, geplant waren 15.000 Maschinen. Damit wäre diese Bauart die meistgebaute Lokomotive der Welt geworden. Tatsächlich wurden 1943 Tagesproduktionszahlen von 50 oder 51 Maschinen erreicht.
German Transport System WWII - War History
2019年7月31日 · German BR 52 locomotive, 1944 by Frédéric Mouchel A BR 52 locomotive at work during war time The defeat of Nazi Germany in 1945 was perhaps the most significant event in modern history. From the defeat of Germany, evolved the world we know today.