Nanosized surface films on brass alloys by XPS and XAES
The potential of this approach based on XPS and XAES for the patina studies on copper alloys, relevant in various fields including corrosion and cultural heritage, is presented for Cu37Zn model brass alloy after different surface pre-treatments.
XPS study of adsorption of 2-mercaptobenzothiazole on a brass surface ...
2014年12月1日 · The surface of brass (Cu80/Zn20) exposed in water and different aqueous solutions and 2-mercaptobenzothiazole (MBT) is studied by XPS. The leaching of zinc (dezincification) is observed in pure water and in borate solutions.
Initial oxidation of brass induced by humidified air
2011年11月15日 · A previously reported XPS-study of brass oxidized in air at room temperature has shown that preferential oxidation of Zn to ZnO takes place initially with a concomitant zinc depletion layer in the surface region of brass [18].
Surface study of films formed on copper and brass at open …
2013年3月1日 · For copper and brass in borax chloride-free solutions the presence of Cu 2 O and oxo-hydroxides was confirmed by ex situ techniques such as XPS. When chloride ions were present, XPS spectroscopy showed the presence of insoluble copper-chloride compounds on the films formed at OCP on both materials.
The Interface Characterization of 2-Mercapto-1-methylimidazole
2021年3月4日 · XPS survey spectra with designated peaks for the MMI-treated brass sample and for the sputter‑cleaned brass. The survey spectrum of the MMI-treated brass sample shows only Cu-related peaks, while Zn‑related peaks were not clearly developed as the surface concentration of Zn‑related species was below the detection limit of the XPS technique.
<br>使用 GCIB-C60++-串联-ToF-SIMS 和 GCIB-XPS 对 2-巯基苯 …
A gas cluster ion beam (GCIB) sputtering source in association with high-resolution X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy measurements were employed to slowly sputter and analyze a 2-mercaptobenzimidazole (MBIH) corrosion inhibitor surface layer on brass substrate after immersion in chloride solution.
Brass Tone | Roland XPS - 30 - YouTube
2020年12月23日 · Hello Everyone This Is Acoustic Music Library Channel For Music Related Post, Unboxing And Reviewing Different Music Instruments. Do Connect With Us To Learn Music. Creator : Yash Lodha Our Social ...
Following the usual XPS curve fitting procedure, the line-shapes of copper and zinc in the as received, mechanically polished and sputtered alloys were fixed in agreement with the line-shapes empirically determined in the reference compounds (Tables S.I.1 – S.I. 5).
The surface of brass (Cu80/Zn20) exposed in water and different aqueous solutions and 2-mercaptoben-zothiazole (MBT) is studied by XPS. The leaching of zinc (dezincification) is observed in...
Moreover, an angle-resolved XPS analysis was carried out for the MMI-treated brass sample to analyze the heterogeneous layered structure (the interface of the MMI organic/inorganic brass...
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