Cheeki Breeki - Know Your Meme
"Cheeki Breeki" is a catchphrase associated with a quote originating from the first-person shooter survival horror game series S.T.A.L.K.E.R.. Since the release of the game in 2007, the stock …
cheekibreeki的来源和含义 - 哔哩哔哩
归根结底,Cheeki Breeki是苏联/后苏联囚犯怪癖中的奇特作品。 “强盗广播”③曲目也与Cheeki Breeki相关联,以Chanson的风格作曲,这种风格在俄罗斯罪犯和中下层/工人阶级,街头垃圾 …
Cheeki breeki - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
Cheeki Breeki (或 Chiki Briki ,俄语: чики брики )是一个网络迷因。 它源自 电子游戏 《 潜行者:切尔诺贝利的阴影 》中,土匪NPC常说的一句 口头禅 ,原文是“ А ну, чики брики и в …
What Does Cheeki Breeki Mean? - The Word Counter
2021年2月27日 · The phrase cheeki breeki is one of many taunting memes that have been popularized within the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games. Bandits use this phrase before attacking the …
The true meaning of cheeki breeki : r/stalker - Reddit
2014年12月18日 · It's actually really vulgar slang with a simple meaning: A nu ka - "Quickly or Come On" Cheeki Breeki - "Poke holes in/fucking" (bastardization of a children's rhyme, also …
Cheeki breeki是什么意思?【逃离塔科夫吧】_百度贴吧
Cheeki bre..本意是类似于芝麻开门,天灵灵地灵灵,嘛哩嘛哩哄之类的,潜行者里的一个boss的一句台词是shake it break it,就是找出他来干掉他,被玩家误以为是cheeki breeki,所以就有 …
Cheeki Breeki | S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Wiki | Fandom
Cheeki Breeki is one of several taunt memes popularized within the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. game universe. It is manifested exclusively by proximate Bandits before mounting an attack upon the …
What does this mean and how is it spelled? Ah nu cheeki breeki ... - Reddit
2021年10月3日 · The meaning of the phrase "А ну, чики-брики и в дамки", which Cheeki Breeki is derived from, is related to the board game of checkers - one of the favorite pastimes of …
Cheeki Breeki Hardbass-Life of Boris - 哔哩哔哩
观众老爷们好,这里是Life of Boris频道授权的官方bilibili账号,在此上传视频后,我们将开启充电界面,并将上传的稿件选为自制。 当订阅数到达1000人时,该账号会加入创作激励计划。 当 …
Russian hard bass: How a musical monstrosity went viral
In the 2010s, it was a uniquely Russian form of music called hard bass that conquered the world. But before this, it found its way to the hearts and ears of thousands of Russian people. In a very...