flag of the United Kingdom - Encyclopedia Britannica
2025年1月23日 · flag of the United Kingdom red, white, and blue flag in which are combined the Crosses of St. George (England), St. Andrew (Scotland), and St. Patrick (Ireland). Initially the Union Flag was called a jack only when it was flown at the bowsprit of British naval vessels, but it was commonly called the Union Jack by the late 17th century; now ...
Flag of Great Britain - Wikipedia
Four stripes of white, horizontal, diagonal, and vertical on a blue field, with a red cross in the middle. The flag of Great Britain, often referred to as the King's Colour, first Union Flag, [1][2] Union Jack, and British flag, was used at sea from 1606 and more generally from 1707 to 1801.
Britannia - Wikipedia
On coins of the pound sterling issued by Charles II of England, Scotland, and Ireland, Britannia appears with her shield bearing the Union Flag. [3] To symbolise the Royal Navy 's victories, Britannia's spear became the characteristic trident in 1797, and a helmet was added to the coinage in 1825.
Flag of the United Kingdom - Wikipedia
The national flag of the United Kingdom is the Union Jack, also known as the Union Flag. The design of the Union Jack dates back to the Act of Union 1801, which united the Kingdom of Great Britain and the Kingdom of Ireland (previously in personal union) to create the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland.
Flag of England | Design, Colors & Meaning | Britannica
flag of Englandflag of a constituent unit of the United Kingdom, flown subordinate to the Union Jack, that consists of a white field (background) with a red cross known as the Cross of St. George. The origin of the flag, its association with St. George (the patron saint of England), and its adoption by England all lack thorough and clear ...
The Story Of The Union Jack: The National Flag Of The ... - WorldAtlas
2017年4月25日 · The national flag of the UK is famously called the Union Jack or the Union Flag. The flag has degree of status in some of the Commonwealth Countries like Canada where it is considered an official flag there by the parliamentary resolution. The flag is also used in some of the smaller UK overseas territories as the official flag.
大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国国旗 - 百度百科
大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国国旗,旗帜图案像汉字的“米”字,中国人称为“米字旗”;该旗叫做“The Union Jack”或“The Union Flag” [1];该旗呈横长方形,长与宽之比为2:1;由深蓝底色和红、白色“米”字组成 [2]。 1277年,英格兰设计了白底红十字的国旗;1707年, 大不列颠王国 将重迭组成正红十字和白色交叉十字的图案作为国旗 [3];1801年1月1日,爱尔兰的白底红X字并入大不列颠及爱尔兰联合王国国旗中 [4];1933年,大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国正式确立米字旗为国旗 [5]。 …
Flags of the United Kingdom and British crown possessions
The table contains images of the United Kingdom’s national flag and of the flags of the four constituent units and three crown possessions. Larger images of the flags can be viewed by clicking on individual flags. Articles on the country, the constituent units, and the crown possessions and on
Flag of United Kingdom - Flagpedia.net
Flag of the United Kingdom - also known to the British as a Union Jack, has been used since 1603 when the Scottish King James VI became the king of England. The symbolism of the flag expresses the linkage between England, Scotland, and Wales. The central theme is a red cross of St. George, who is considered to be the patron of England.
British Flag - Union Jack Flag of Great Britain
The British Union flag is one of the most uniquely designed flags in the world, and has gone through some changes throughout history. The first Union flag was flown in 1603, when King James of Scotland also became the King of England.