Gen 3 BRN-180 | Sniper's Hide Forum
2025年1月9日 · Nylon Bumpers for BRN-180™ A customer requested a fix for a BRN-180™ issue that he had discovered. The rubber bumper (that the stock folds into) screw can come loose if not loc-tit'ed in place, and if overtightened, the screw can penetrate into the action through the steel bolt guide rail that it screws into, damaging...
BRN-180 vs Piston Conversion… - Sniper's Hide
2022年12月21日 · BRN-180. It's a ground up system, not a conversion. I think there is a perception that the BRN-180 is cheap because it is sold as a Brownells house brand product. It's actually made by PWS. Mine is excellent, most piston conversions are not.
Any feed back on brownells brn-180 uppers? - Sniper's Hide
2021年12月3日 · The BRN-180 was developed by and is manufactured for Brownell's by PWS. With a lower and SB folding brace, as shown, it weighs in at just 5.75 LB. I've put three together like so far, and everyone seems very happy with them. …
thoughts on the 223 / wylde brownells BRN180 upper?
2019年2月22日 · Something like the old M96 or whatever its name was from a few years back by Robinson, but with retro + modernized options like the BRN-180. Hey Brownells, if you're listening, add a Stoner 63 clone to your retro line!!!!!
BRN-180 upper + SCR lower no go without modification
2020年6月16日 · The purpose of the BRN-180 was so I wasn't bound to the Remington recoil system that the Fightlite SCR utilizes since it uses an recoil buffer and guide rod / springs. That in turn would allow me to use a wider assortment of stocks rather than being limited to sporter or monte carlo styles.
Options for NY-legal AR-15 stocks? Only know about the …
2022年10月25日 · I was thinking of picking up a BRN-180 and wanted to know what the NY-compliant stock options are. One that replaces the pistol grip would be cool. If your answer is "don't comply" keep it to yourself.
BRN-180s no go | Sniper's Hide Forum
2008年11月6日 · Really wanted BRN-180s 300 BKL to work. But wouldn’t run with FOG 220 subs. Called vendor and was told to try different mags. 11 different mags from 4 manufacturers same results. One round & FTF, at most 4 rounds then FTF. Also several light or no primer strikes. Lower is 100% with Hardened...
Best bufferless .300 BLK suppressor host? | Sniper's Hide Forum
2024年2月4日 · BRN-180 FM-15 I don't own any of these buy I've demo'd a cmmg dissent suppressed and liked it quite a bit.
BRN-180S Reviews | Sniper's Hide Forum
2008年11月6日 · Looking at Brownells BRN-180S upper for a compact truck gun. There are a few good reviews however the majority of the reviews on Brownells site are not good due to extremely tight fit to lowers. Seems that some are GTG, others not so much. Would appreciate anyone’s experience with this upper.
PSA JAKL | Sniper's Hide Forum
2008年11月6日 · Bought a BRN-180 upper in 300 BLK to shoot 220 grain subs suppressed. Never would get more then 4 shots before fail to feed, fire or extract. Per vendors instruction tried 11 different mags from 4 different manufacturers. No improvement so returned for refund. Maybe the bugs have been worked out or I just had one built on Friday…..afternoon. OFG