Brocade G720 Switch | SAN Storage Switches | Fibre Channel …
The Brocade G720 is designed for maximum flexibility and value. This enterprise-class, Fibre Channel switch offers pay-as-you-grow scalability with Ports on Demand (PoD). Organizations can quickly, easily, and cost-effectively scale from 24 ports to 64 ports to support higher growth.
Technical Specifications - Broadcom
The following tables highlight the features and specifications for the Brocade G720 Switch.
Build high-performance fabrics with a powerful, ultra-dense 64-port 1U switch with double-density optical transceivers. Accelerate critical workloads with 64G links. Maximize the performance of NVMe storage with 50% lower switching latency than Gen 6. Enable pay-as-you-grow scalability from 24 to 64 ports—for on-demand lexibility.
Brocade G720 - Fujitsu Global
Brocade Gen 7 Fibre Channel is the modern storage network infrastructure for mission-critical storage, enabling organizations to realize a self-learning, self-optimizing, and self-healing autonomous SAN.
Device Overview - Broadcom
The Brocade G720 Switch is secure-booted. Midrange Gen 7 Fibre Channel switch that offers up to 64 ports in a 1U form factor: Up to 48 autosensing ports supporting high-performance 64G small form-factor pluggable plus (SFP+) transceiver port technology in a single domain.
代光纤通道技术的 Brocade G720 是一种模块化交换机,提供超低延 迟和无与伦比的 64G 性能来简化 大中型环境中SAN 资源的部署、配 置和管理。 Brocade® G720 交换机 利用模块化交换机最大限度地提高性能并简化日常任务 概述
Brocade G720 提供 48 个 64G SFP+ 端口和 8 个 2x64G 双密度 SFP-DD端口,全部集成在一个高效的 1U 封装中。 Brocade G720 基本配置已启用 24个端口,可以通过以任意顺序和任意组合安装 SFP 许可证和 SFP-DD POD 许可证扩展到 64 个端口。 光纤通道性能:8.5Gb/s 线速,全双工;10.53Gb/s 线速,全双工;14.025Gb/s 线速,全双工;28.05Gb/s线速,全双工;57.8Gb/s 线速,全双工;自动感知 8、10、16、32 和 64G 端口速度。 10Gb/s可选可编程为固定端口速度。
Brocade® G720 Switch Hardware Installation Guide - Broadcom
This guide contains installation procedures and safety requirements for installing your switch into a rack system or as a stand-alone device. The Brocade G720 Switch offers several features and capabilities.
With Brocade Gen 7 technology, the Brocade G720 delivers far more than just speed and latency improvements. It can eliminate the pain of managing your data center, with autonomous SAN technology to deliver a network that can self-learn, self …
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