The British International School of Kuala Lumpur | Nord Anglia
1 天前 · Our thriving British international school in Kuala Lumpur will inspire your child to be ambitious and accomplish great things. With learning tailored to their strengths, passions and goals, our students achieve outstanding academic results, sporting success, artistic recognition, and places at the world’s top universities.
「光影汉化」BSL v8.4.02 [最新] - 哔哩哔哩
2001年8月2日 · 本专栏为BSL最新版本汉化专栏,曾为BSL开发版本的汉化专栏. 因BSL开发版本释出规则变动,且开始分风格释出双版本. 从8.3版本起本专栏改为最新公开版本BSL的汉化专栏发布地. 如无意外(Original和Classic两种风格都可使用汉化) 历史版本BSL的汉化请查看: 网页链接. 更多小版本BSL汉化请查看:https://github.com/NakiriRuri/Minecraft-Shaders-zh_CN-Lang-Files. 更新记录. 2022.10.9更新到8.2; 2022.11.27更新到8.2.01; 2023.01.02更新到8.2.02.1d;添加 …
BSL Shaders - Minecraft Shaders - CurseForge
It's bright, colorful, and distinct. This shader includes realtime shadows, volumetric light, ambient occlusion, bloom, customizable clouds and water, and built in anti-aliasing. Additional effects are available, such as depth of field, motion blur, specular and normal mapping, celshading, world curvature, and more.
BSL v8.0 - BSL Shaders - Modrinth
Download BSL Shaders 8.0 on Modrinth. Supports 1.16.5 Iris & Optifine. Published on Dec 22, 2022. 14744 downloads.
The tuition fees for Early Years, Primary and Secondary school are displayed in the following table. *Students in early years do not receive additional EAL support, but can join BSKL without being fluent in English. Students in Years 12 and 13 must be proficient in English. No seats for EAL students are available for Years 12 and 13.
Fees | British International School of Kuala Lumpur | BSKL
Ready to start your child’s BSKL application? This is what you need to do. The British International School of Kuala Lumpur’s fees reflect the premium education we offer in Malaysia. Find our tuition fees and payment options here.
马来西亚国际学校概况和学校名单(21所国际学校) - 知乎
99,970马币:吉隆坡英国国际学校(British International School of Kuala Lumpur, “BSKL”) 位于吉隆坡的这类学校位于大吉隆坡地区的这3所学校属于传统的国际学校。
Baskl.ai | AI tools for video editors
Our plugins are made for Adobe After Effects, so you can integrate them in your VFX workflow. Test, version up, batch. Do as many iterations as you want. Use your graphic card. No cloud …
【翻译&汉化】BSL v7.2 Dev (8.0) 汉化与修改 - 哔哩哔哩
虽然在curseforge和官网显示的BSL最新版为7.2.01pre2,但此版本为3天前作者在discord中发的开发版本,目前能获取到的最新版本,而且作者将其中的版本号修改成了v8.0。 文件命名没有改,增加了一些内容上的更新。 比如说阴影支持了像素化的效果. 另外还有一些效果上的修改和优化之类的。 我除了在汉化之外,也添加了一些额外的功能。 一个是根据Gamma值修改光影的亮度,也就是可以跟Tweakeroo的Gamma Override绑定使用,我认为这种方式在生存中是更加实用的。 …
BSL Shaders - Minecraft Shader - Modrinth
Download Minecraft mods, plugins, datapacks, shaders, resourcepacks, and modpacks on Modrinth. Discover and publish projects on Modrinth with a modern, easy to use interface and …