Business Tax Registration Certificate | LA Business Portal - Los …
All companies doing business within the City of Los Angeles need to obtain a Business Tax Registration Certificate from the city. It's easy to do online, or you may visit the Office of Finance to complete your application in person.
How to Register for a BTRC | Los Angeles Office of Finance
All individuals or entities conducting business activities within the City of Los Angeles are required to apply for and obtain a Business Tax Registration Certificate with the City of Los Angeles, Office of Finance.
Online Business Tax Renewals (eFiling) | Los Angeles Office of …
Our online eFiling system speeds and simplifies the filing of your renewal. Click the link found below, enter a few details and the system automatically calculates your Business Tax Liability, if any. You may then either pay online or print the renewal form and mail it …
Register Your Business | LA Business Portal - Los Angeles
Register with the Office of Finance - Business Tax Registration Certificate. All companies doing business within the City of Los Angeles must register their business with the City and pay business taxes each year (or file for an exemption if you qualify). It's easy to do online, or visit the Office of Finance to complete your application in person.
Home | LA Business Portal
The LA Business Portal provides you with all of the information you need to plan, start, manage, and grow your business. Try our Start Up Guide to quickly map out how to register your new business and be compliant. Explore a rich library of content and resources to help you manage and grow your business.
Licenses, Permits, & Inspections | City of Los Angeles
Register your business and gain a Business Tax Registration Certificate (BTRC), pay and renew business taxes, Police Alarm Permits, Police and Fire Permits, and Tobacco Retailer's Permits. Business owners frequently interface with the Los Angeles Department of Building and Safety (LADBS) for building permits and inspections.
New Business Registration - Los Angeles
For cannabis related businesses, visit the Department of Cannabis Regulation (DCR) website https://cannabis.lacity.org/ for licensing information prior to registering your cannabis business …
BTRC Number Help - PermitLA
Every person who engages in any business within the city of Los Angeles is required to obtain the necessary Business Tax Registration Certificate (s) (BTRC) and make payment of the business tax to the City of Los Angeles Office of Finance (OOF). Please visit the OOF website for more information at http://www.lacity.org/finance.
Renewal Deadlines, Forms and Online Services - Los Angeles
All businesses are required to file an annual tax renewal regardless of whether or not your business generated revenue for that tax year. Filing your renewals timely avoids late penalties and fees and also ensures that you can take advantage of all available tax credits and incentives.
Business Tax Registration Certificate - Los Angeles World Airports
Businesses, including vendors, owing tax are issued a Business Tax Registration Certificate (BTRC). In some cases where businesses are not required to pay a business tax, a Vendor Registration Number (VRN) is issued. Non-profit organizations may apply for an exempt tax registration certificate.