The Bugawug automatic pet water bowl was designed for the Good Health of your pet, to provide a Constant Water source, and as a Durable pet appliance that can be consistently relied upon.
这是一个wug,那这些是……|语言学午餐 - 手机鳳凰網
2018年7月12日 · 格里森发现,当儿童们看到“wug”这个本不存在的词并想将其变成复数时,他们会自动将其变成/wʌgz/而不是/wʌgs/或者/wʌgɨz/。 这些儿童很明显并没有学过清浊音的区别,更不可能知道英文辅音的音系学规律,而且他们也从来没有在日常生活中听过家长或其他人 ...
What is a Wug? - The Language Nerds
A wug is an imaginary cartoon creature created and first used by psycholinguist Jean Berko Gleason to test people’s ability to use the English plural morpheme*. The test usually involves two cartoon panels—one depicting one wug with the caption “This is a wug,” and the other depicting two wugs with the caption “Now there is another one.
wug - Wiktionary, the free dictionary
2023年11月21日 · wug (plural wugs) (anthropology) In folk taxonomy, a creature with worm or insect features; colloquially, a bug or creepy-crawly. [1]
Bug-A-Salt - search
There is nothing on this world more satisfying that nailing a fly in mid flight and watch it spiral to the ground like a WWII combat plane. The Bug-A-Salt is simply the coolest thing on earth and if you don’t buy one your just an idiot. I challenge ANYONE …
儿童都是天生的语言创造家 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
孩子们回答说是wugs(/wʌgz/,使用/ z / allomorph因为“wug”以浊音辅音结束)。显然小孩可以推断出(也许是无意识地)形成复数的基本规则。Wug测试还涉及动词变形,所有格和其他常见派生词素的问题,例如下面这个例子: · This is a dog with QUIRKS on him. He is all ...
I have a new friend who is a linguist and taught me about Wugs ... - Reddit
The wug experiment helped prove that children/people learning new languages learn rules and patterns for pluralising that they are able to apply to novel words, as opposed to rote learning the singular and plural versions of nouns.
中文有类似 Wug test 的实验吗?有的话是怎么做的呢? - 知乎
这时候给你听两个音节,第一个音节可以是一个wug单词,就是假词,闽南话里没有的音节,第二个音节是有的存在的音节,然后让 闽南话 母语者把两个字放在一起,构成一个动宾短语,然后看他会不会变调。 比如说,给你一个24调的假词+一个33调的名词,看看母语者会不会变调33+33,还是不变调念成24+33。 对量词的使用。 ''手持两把锟斤拷,口中疾呼烫烫烫。 脚踏千朵屯屯屯,笑看万物锘锘锘'' 这里,锟斤拷,屯屯屯这两个假词,来自电脑的乱码,但这里配上'' …
Bug-A-Salt Shred-Er Starter Kit
The Bug-A-Salt Shred-Er, launched in 2021, is an American built CO2 powered, salt blaster designed for big game hunters. No batteries required. Non-toxic, patented salt (ordinary table salt) cartridges annihilate hard and soft bodied insects including giant roaches, yellow jackets, wasps, murder hornets, lantern flies, Carpenter Bees, and ...
WIDOW MAKER 3.5 - Bug-A-Salt
Inspired by the infamous Black Widow, the most toxic arachnid in North America. BUG-A-SALT WIDOW MAKER 3.5 is ideal for targeting poisonous spiders in your woodshed, garage, attic, or basement. Say no to toxic pesticides as you combat these dangerous critters biting over 2,500 Americans per year.
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