Bulab® 5828 - The Natural Organic Coagulant - Buckman
Bulab 5828 is made from a natural, renewable resource. So, unlike traditional metal-based coagulants, Bulab 5828 is completely biodegradable and has no negative impact on the environment. And although it is eco-friendly, it’s tough on impurities, bringing clarity to even the most challenging water. W837
中国科学院院士,南开大学教授。 2002年获国家杰出青年基金,2004年受聘“教育部领军人才项目”特聘教授,2017年入选首批天津市杰出人才。 长期从事功能配合物化学研究,已发表学术论文600余篇,主编《配位聚合物化学》专著一部,参编其他专著与教材6部。 以第一完成人获2014年度国家自然科学二等奖、2018年度天津市自然科学特等奖等奖项。 Li, L.; Zhang, X.;...
Bulab 8806 is a combination scale inhibitor package that prevents the precipitation of dissolved solids on the membrane surface. The product also includes a dispersant to aid in flushing contaminants and foulants from membrane and feedwater spacer surfaces. Bulab 8806 is compatible for use on thin films and cellulose acetate based membranes.
BULAB® 8152 A liquid penetrant and dispersant used in the treatment of industrial and commercial cooling water systems. It effectively controls organic deposits that can impede heat transfer and increase maintenance costs. Bulab 8152 ensures that surfaces are clean so that they can be passivated and protected by corrosion inhibitors.
Shop 3D printers, filaments and accessories - Bambu Lab USA store
Shop Bambu Lab 3D printers, Bambu filaments and accessories from Bambu Lab USA store. Get fast print 3D printers with CoreXY high speed and multi-color capabilities.
Buckman Laboratories - Home
Buckman Laboratories is an ISO certified manufacturer of specialty chemicals for use in the pulp and paper, water treatment, and leather industries. Headquartered in Memphis, Tennessee, USA., the company has a global presence in over 90 countries …
Bambu Lab 拓竹3D打印机 - Bambu Lab 拓竹科技
Bambu Lab 拓竹科技专注于 台式 3D打印机的创新研发和制造。 从 X1 系列开始,Bambu Lab制造了领先水平的 3D打印机,打破了数字世界和物理世界之间的障碍,助你释放创造潜能。
Bambu Lab Wiki Homepage
Our goal is to offer accurate and comprehensive information regarding Bambu Lab products. In the comment section of the Bambu Lab Wiki, you can provide feedback, ask questions, offer …
关于我们 - Bambu Lab 拓竹科技
Bambu Lab 拓竹科技是一家致力于用最前沿的机器人技术彻底革新桌面级 3D 打印产业的公司。 拓竹科技的第一款产品--X1 系列高速智能 3D 打印机瞄准业内最强性能,在诸多关键性能上,实现了数量级上的进步,更是把多色彩打印、支持高性能工程塑料等工业级打印机技术带入消费级产品,拉开了业界期待多年的桌面 3D 打印革命的序幕。 用户在打印过程中能够突破色彩和材料的限制,将创造力提升到了一个全新的水平,找到纯粹的创造乐趣。 拓竹科技成立于 2020 年,总部 …
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Bulab 600 - Buckman
Bulab® 600 Previous in-house testing showed that adding Bulab 600 to solvent-based epoxy coatings decreased cure time. Recent advances in analytical methods allowed for the testing of not only cure rate as a function of Bulab 600