Boulaq - Wikipedia
Boulaq[a] (Arabic: بولاق, romanized: Būlāq[1] from Ancient Greek: φυλακή "guard, customs post" [2]), is a district of Cairo, in Egypt. It neighbours Downtown Cairo, Azbakeya, and the River Nile. Bulaq and Zamalek (undeveloped, and labeled as "Bulaq Island"), in …
Bulaqs - Wikipedia
The Bulaqs[a] were a Turkic tribe known mainly from Arabic sources, originating from the Lop Nor region. They were a core part of the Karluk confederacy located in the Altai Mountains. Many of them migrated to the Southern Ural, into the neighbourhood of the Volga Bulgars and Magna Hungaria Hungarians.
Bulaq - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
Bulaq (también escrito Boulaq, Bulak y Beaulac; árabe: بولاق / ALA-LC: Būlāq), es un distrito de El Cairo, en Egipto. 1 Está cerca del centro de El Cairo, Azbakeya y el río Nilo.
Bulaq Press - Wikipedia
The Amiri Press or Amiriya Press (Arabic: المطبعة الأميرية, المطابع الأميرية) (Al-Matba'a al-Amiriya) (also known as the Bulaq Press (مطبعة بولاق) due to its original location in Bulaq [1]) is a printing press, and one of the main agencies with which Muhammad Ali Pasha modernized Egypt.
Būlāq | Urban District, Nile River, Port | Britannica
Būlāq, northwestern district of Cairo, Egypt. Situated on the Nile River, Būlāq was a major port suburb before the city of Cairo expanded to engulf it. Būlāq had been an island until the westward recession of the Nile revealed it in the mid-14th century.
Boulaq, Cairo, Egypt: A Guide to the Historic District
2024年11月3日 · Boulaq is a district located in the heart of Cairo, Egypt. It is situated on the banks of the Nile River and is bordered by Downtown Cairo and Azbakeya. Boulaq has a rich history that dates back centuries and has played an important role in the development of Cairo as a …
Urban Renewal - Bulaq Is Changing, Part 1 - Blogger
2019年2月8日 · One quite large and well known district is Bulaq. It occupies a triangle with one side on the eastern bank of the Nile and extends to the North from just beyond the Egyptian National Museum well beyond the distinctive blue towers of the Egyptian National Bank. To the east, the district reaches most of the way toward the central train station.
(DOC) Bulaq and its Ottoman monuments - Academia.edu
The paper discusses the architectural history of Bulaq, a significant district in Cairo during the Ottoman Empire. It highlights the transition from the Mamluk architectural style to a more economical and less ornate Ottoman approach due to various socio-economic factors.
Bulaq - Vikipediya
Bulaq — yeraltı suyun təbii surətdə yer səthinə çıxmasıdır. Temperaturu 20°-yə qədər olan bulaq soyuq bulaqlar hesab olunur, 20-37° olan subtermal bulaqlar, 37-42° olan termal bulaqlar, 42°-dən yuxarı olan isə isti bulaqlar adlanır. Suyunun tərkibində xeyli həll olunmuş kimyəvi elementlər və qazlar olan bulaqa mineral bulaqlar deyilir.
Bulaq – Wikipedia
Bulaq (arabisch بولاق, DMG Būlāq) ist ein Stadtviertel der ägyptischen Hauptstadt Kairo.. Es liegt am Ostufer des Nils, zwischen den alten arabischen Vierteln und dem Fluss.Erst im Laufe des 19. Jahrhunderts wurde das Gelände bebaut. Dort befanden sich das erste Ägyptische Museum, das der Franzose Auguste Mariette eingerichtet hatte. Dort befand sich ebenfalls die erste Druckerei ...