German Confederation - Wikipedia
After Napoleon's final defeat in 1815, the surviving member states of the defunct Holy Roman Empire joined to form the German Confederation (Deutscher Bund) – a rather loose organization, especially because the two great rivals, the Austrian Empire and the Kingdom of Prussia, each feared domination by the other.
德意志邦聯 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
德意志邦联(德語: Deutscher Bund ),又稱日耳曼邦联,是存在於1815~1866年间,由39個德意志邦國組建的邦聯制政體,首都为法兰克福,地处中欧。德意志邦聯不是一個統一的國家,而是一個囊括了全部德意志邦國的组织。
德意志邦联 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
德意志邦联(德语: Deutscher Bund ),又称日耳曼邦联,是存在于1815~1866年间,由39个德意志邦国组建的邦联制政体,首都为法兰克福,地处中欧。德意志邦联不是一个统一的国家,而是一个囊括了全部德意志邦国的组织。
德意志邦联 - 百度百科
德意志邦联(德文:Deutscher Bund)是指1815年由德意志各邦组成的联盟,设有邦联议会,以奥地利帝国代表为主席。 组织松散,各邦保持完全的主权。 1866年普奥战争结束,奥地利被普鲁士打败,邦联瓦解。
German Unification, Prussia & Austria - Britannica
German Confederation, organization of 39 German states, established by the Congress of Vienna in 1815 to replace the destroyed Holy Roman Empire. It was a loose political association, formed for mutual defense, with no central executive or judiciary. Delegates met in a …
Federal Convention (German Confederation) - Wikipedia
The Federal Convention (or Confederate Diet German: Bundesversammlung or Bundestag) was the only general joint institution of the German Confederation (German: Deutscher Bund) from 1815 until 1848, and from 1851 until 1866. The Federal Convention had its seat in the Palais Thurn und Taxis in Frankfurt. It was organized as a permanent congress ...
Constitution of the German Confederation - Wikipedia
In its initial form, the Constitution came into effect on 8 June 1815. The preamble states that the Constitution's purpose was "the safety and independence of Germany" united in "perpetual Confederation". [1] Each state pledged to protect every other state and …
德意志邦联 - 求闻百科,共笔求闻
德意志邦联 (德语: Deutscher Bund),又称 日耳曼邦联 (英语: German Confederation)是一个存在于1815~1866年的全德意志国家组织,目的是团结在1806年 神圣罗马帝国 解散后余下所有的德国联邦州国,根据 维也纳会议 而成立,不过其松散程度比其原本的 神圣罗马帝国 有过之而无不及。 其永久主席国为德意志第一强国 奥地利帝国,永久副主席国为德意志第二强国 普鲁士王国,剩下的德意志国家均只能担任成员国。 在其存在的期间,德意志统一运动风起云涌,德 …
Wolf D. Gruner’s brief history of the confederation spans its fifty-one years of existence (1815-66) and emphasizes its continuity with the federative tra‐ditions of German history and its contribution to‐ward maintaining stability within the European state system.
Central Europe (1815–1866) | German History in Documents and …
Instead, the German princes and the remaining free cities united in a confederation of states at the Congress of Vienna in 1815: the German Confederation [Deutscher Bund]. The member states remained sovereign, but the respective governments were bound by the majority decisions of the Confederation.