ICBA, CE 220-240V UK - Coffee - BUNN Commercial Site
Pre-infusion and pulse brew for maximum flavor extraction. Cold brew lockout & digital temperature control further ensure top-notch brewing. Digital readout displays in English, …
ICBA PE, CE 220-240V ME - Coffee - BUNN Commercial Site
Shop for ICBA PE, CE 220-240V ME at BUNN.com. The New Infusion Series® Platinum Edition™ line of brewing equipment offers all the same great brewing features as the standard Infusion Series®, with the addition of an intuitive 4.3" touch screen. Visually Intuitive Programming™ simplifies operation and programming.
BUNN ICBA 數位煮茶機 (中文)-滙格股份有限公司
BUNN ICBA 數位煮茶機 (中文) 品牌型號:BUNN ICBA 數位煮茶機 (中文) 外型尺寸:23W x 56D x 66H (cm) 電力規格:220V,1PH+G, 3.6KW 水源規格:1/ 2”Ø 進水金屬球閥 加入詢價車 型錄下載
【BUNN】ICBA 智慧型茶 // 咖啡機 (不含茶桶) | Coffeego 咖啡購 …
【BUNN】ICBA 智慧型茶 // 咖啡機 (不含茶桶)。 本商品只在樂天市場享有限定優惠,多元支付再享高額回饋。 Coffeego 咖啡購樂天市場直營店主要販售水與飲料,天天1%回饋無上限,不定期商品優惠、滿額折等活動;提供7-11與全家超商超取、宅配等配送及不定期免運活動,付款可使用樂天點數、ATM、信用卡刷卡、LINE PAY、後付款等多元支付。 要讓喜歡Coffeego 咖啡購的您享受超值優惠與安心購物!
BUNN 智慧型美式煮茶機【ICBA】 (不含茶桶)
沖煮溫度鎖的功能,未達指定溫度不製茶,為您的穩定品質把關,離峰時間可設定少量製茶,讓損耗減到最低。 產量大:3200W的電壓,使重新裝滿一桶常溫的水加熱至指定溫度,也僅需十餘分鐘左右。 機內的水膽容量達11公升,每次最大出水量6600㏄,按鍵出水後至下次準備完成約需10分鐘時間,10分鐘的時間不僅可以讓茶葉滴漏完成且加熱至指定溫度。 替換式出水原理加上高效率的加溫,產量不虞匱乏。 人性化設定:未達指定溫度不出水,減少出錯機率,維持穩定品質。 …
BUNN ICBA 智慧型茶/咖啡機 (不含茶桶) 上田咖啡休閒莊 …
BUNN ICBA 智慧型茶/咖啡機 本機器不含茶桶。 溫度穩定,可設定溫差2度(未達設定水溫不出水)。 多樣選擇:6種水量設定,最大出水量6600cc。 可多段設定沖煮及預浸泡時間讓茶湯更濃郁。 (可使用散茶茶葉) 安全可靠,不用再燒開水,濾茶葉等危險工作。
ICBA, CE 220-240V CN - Coffee - BUNN Commercial Site
Shop for ICBA, CE 220-240V CN at BUNN.com. The New Standard in Batch Brewing. Three brew buttons allow for easy selection from a variety of brew recipes. The Peak Extraction sprayhead provides improved uniformity of extraction and greater resistance to lime scale buildup.
Pre-infusion and pulse brew for maximum flavor extraction. Cold brew lockout & digital temperature control further ensure top-notch brewing. Electrical & Capacity. Input H2O Temp. *When a BUNN is machine rated 120/208-240V, 120/208V or 120/240V, the higher voltage is the supply voltage needed to power the machine.
ICBA - Coffee - BUNN Commercial Site
Digital display in English/Spanish for easier programming and control. Advertising messages and machine status also displayed. Display capable of showing English or Metric measurements. …
View and Download Bunn ICBA installation & operating manual online. Infusion Series with Smart Funnel. ICBA coffee maker pdf manual download. Also for: Icbb, Icbc, Icb-dv, Icb twin.