徐志雷 - 百度百科
徐志雷(游戏ID:BurNIng),1988年4月2日出生于安徽铜陵,前Dota/Dota2职业选手,司职1号位,绰号”B神“、”燃烧哥“,英雄敌法师金色ID拥有者,现已退役。 [12-14] 徐志雷职业生涯初期曾先后效力于BL战队、DH战队、7L战队。 2010年1月,徐志雷加盟EHOME战队,并于同年帮助战队获得联通杯、ESWC2010中国区总决赛、国家队选拔赛、IEM、全国电子竞技公开赛、TopGamer等赛事冠军。 [13] [15] 2011年年初,徐志雷转会加盟DK战队,效力战队期间帮 …
BurNIng - Liquipedia Dota 2 Wiki
Xu " BurNIng " Zhilei (born April 16, 1988) is a Chinese Dota 2 player and the co-founder of Team Aster. During his competitive years as a player, he is regarded as one of the best and most experienced carry players in the world, winning several …
BurNIng - Dota 2 Wiki,刀塔百科
2013年TI3之后,东南亚全明星选手 mushi 和 iceiceice 加入DK,与国士无双LaNm,BurNIng,MMY组成新DK阵容,被广大网友称为“梦之队”。BurNing 依旧担任主C,mushi中单,三冰劣单,国士无双与MMY司职辅助位。在短暂的适应期后,DK迅速的打出了状态,排行也长期占据世界第一。
2019年10月25日 · 徐志雷(burning),dota/dota2著名职业选手,人称大b神,宇宙b.敌法师冠名者,ehome10冠王朝缔造者,dk银河战舰核心c位, 于2014年8月14日和前队友白帆rotk同时宣布退役。
List of sponsors debuting in Mario Kart 8 and Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
2025年2月12日 · Burning DK (also called Burning DK Sports Drink) is a sports drink that appears as a sponsor in Mario Kart 8, Mario Kart 8 Deluxe and Mario Kart Tour, and makes a cameo appearance in Super Smash Bros. for Wii U and Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. The drink appears to be endorsed by Donkey Kong, or the company that produces it is run by him. The ...
燃烧殆尽,总好过黯然消逝——BurNIng徐志雷传 - 百家号
Team DK - Liquipedia Dota 2 Wiki
2015年11月16日 · Team DK confirms new team lineup consisting of, BurNIng, Mushi, iceiceice, LaNm and X!!. Coming into 2014 Team DK managed to obtain their first premier Dota2 title in the WPC ACE League 2013 by defeating Invictus Gaming 4:3 in a monumental comeback after being 0:3 down in the Grand Final.
Dota2战队点评:DK——陨落的银河战舰 - 百家号
2018年7月5日 · DK一直是一个为爱发电的俱乐部,老板是Burning的粉丝,愿意为他花钱找队友,愿意为他花钱组建战队,而俱乐部的运营一直是不成功的,都是靠着老板提供的资金在支撑。
BurNIng appreciation thread ! (Spoiler) : r/DotA2 - Reddit
2013年8月10日 · I have to say that DK defeated many experienced teams, like IG or being the only team to win a game against Alliance, which is now the stronger team in the world. BurNing, not only showed a great perfomance in his carrer, but he also was the first carry to easily transition into the hardcore gank and push metagame of the 2011, which changed ...
2021年7月5日 · Tip:2014年WPC,DK对阵泰坦的比赛,当时的Wings三兄弟站在BurNing、MMY等老牌明星选手身后学习技术。 而众所周知,跳刀跳刀在TI6夺冠时被称为 “四十二岁中单” ,而换算下来,当时的跳刀跳刀应该是 “四十岁中单” 。