BUT - Translation in Polish - bab.la
but adverb /bʌt/ • /bət/ 1. (only, just) tylko if I could but remember her name gdybym tylko mógł przypomnieć sobie jej imię there are but two possibilities są tylko dwie możliwości he’s but a child to tylko dziecko I can but try mogę jedynie spróbować one can’t help but admire her nie można jej nie podziwiać they cannot but be right muszą mieć rację, na pewno mają ...
but | translation English to Polish: Cambridge Dictionary
but translations: ale, ale, ale, ale, oprócz, tylko nie, tylko, chociaż, ale, z wyjątkiem, oprócz. Learn more in the Cambridge English-Polish Dictionary.
but in Polish - English-Polish Dictionary | Glosbe
Translation of "but" into Polish . ale, oprócz, chociaż are the top translations of "but" into Polish. Sample translated sentence: Tom tried to scream, but Mary covered his mouth with her hand. ↔ Tom usiłował krzyczeć, ale Mary zasłoniła jego usta swoją dłonią.
but | tłumacz z angielskiego na polski: Cambridge Dictionary
Tłumaczenie but : ale, ale, ale, ale, oprócz, tylko nie, tylko, chociaż, ale, z wyjątkiem, oprócz. Przeczytaj więcej w słowniku angielsko-polskim Cambridge.
but - Tłumaczenie po polsku - Słownik angielsko-polski Diki
But how many of them do you see these days?. But they have no children and do not own a car.. But now at least they can see a way out.. But in his mind, two years is only a start.. But you have to take the good with the bad.. But now, so much of his work was in black.. But the days of being on call 24 hours a day are over.. But I don't want to say much more about the show.
BUT - Tłumaczenie na polski - bab.la
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Znaczenie BUT, definicja w Cambridge English Dictionary
BUT definicja: 1. used to introduce an added statement, usually something that is different from what you have…. Dowiedź się więcej.
but translation in Polish | English-Polish dictionary - Reverso
He tried counting sheep to fall asleep but it didn't work.: Próbował liczyć owce, żeby usnąć, ale to nie podziałało. Players were exhausted but had to keep going through the time on.: Zawodnicy byli wyczerpani, ale musieli grać dalej w doliczonym czasie gry. lecz conj.
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BUT - Translation in English - bab.la
Translation for 'but' in the free Polish-English dictionary and many other English translations.
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