Buxenus - Wikipedia
In Gallo-Roman religion, Buxenus was an epithet of the Gaulish Mars, known from a single inscription found in Velleron in the Vaucluse. [1]
Buxenus - Forgotten Realms Wiki
Buxenus was the second layer of Arcadia in the Great Wheel cosmology. It contained the divine realms of Azuth and Savras, as well as Heliopolis, the shared divine realm of Horus-Re, Isis, Osiris...
萨弗拉斯Savras | 龙与地下城 Wiki | Fandom
在第一代魔法女神 密丝瑞尔 陨落、重生为第二代女神 密丝特拉 的过程中,他与 阿祖斯 决斗并落败,被囚入 萨弗拉斯权杖,在漫长的监禁中从弱等神沦为了半神。 在 动荡之年 后双方达成和解,他以从神的身份重获自由。 之后于1385 DR死于 奥法之劫。 (全见者The All-Seeing,全见之人the All-Seeing One,预言魔法之主Lord of Divination Magies,第三只眼的那个人He of the Third Eye,预言者The Diviner) 世外桃源半神力(从前弱等) Demipower (formerly Lesser) of …
Buxenus — Wikipédia
Buxenus est le nom d'un dieu local gaulois qui fut assimilé à l'époque gallo-romaine, selon le syncrétisme romain, avec le dieu Mars. Le village de Buisson, qui portait au Moyen Âge le nom de Campus Buxonus, doit son nom à la divinité [1], [2].
BUXENUS - Oil service / Platform
2024年8月27日 · BUXENUS built in 1982 is a Oil service / Platform vessel. IMO: 8767331, MMSI: 376937000, Callsign: J8B6472, Category: Oil service, and is sailing under the flag of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines.
Arcadia - Forgotten Realms Wiki
Buxenus was the second layer of Arcadia in the Great Wheel cosmology. It contained the divine realms of Azuth and Savras , as well as Heliopolis , the shared divine realm of Horus-Re , Isis , Osiris , and Ra of the Mulhorandi pantheon .
Ship BUXENUS (Platform) Registered in St Vincent Grenadines
Vessel BUXENUS is a Platform, Registered in St Vincent Grenadines. Discover the vessel's particulars, including capacity, machinery, photos and ownership. Get the details of the current Voyage of BUXENUS including Position, Port Calls, Destination, ETA and Distance travelled - IMO 8767331, MMSI 376937000, Call sign J8B6472
Meriadar - Forgotten Realms Wiki | Fandom
Meriadar lived on the plane of Arcadia, [5] and the town of Ghetto in that plane was said to be a splinter of his realm and under his protection. [6] [7] His realm, the Hand of Peace, was located on Buxenus. [4] Meriadar was known to send out his avatars for defensive purposes, but omens from him were far more common.
BUXENUS, Class A Vessel, MMSI 376937000 | Trackipi
2024年12月1日 · View details for BUXENUS, Class A Vessel, MMSI 376937000, information like current position, voyage, ports calls, ship details and other useful insights.
不列颠尼亚 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
这一拉丁语称谓,后又衍生出守護不列顛岛的 女神 名稱。 若以读音论,实以“不列塔尼亚”最接近原始发音,所以一些架空、奇幻小说中相当于英国的地方,往往译作不列塔尼亚。 罗马帝国不列颠尼亚行省的疆域,包括 英格兰 和 威尔士 的绝大部分地区,其北侧以 哈德良长城 作为和 苏格兰 之间的边境。 哈德良长城以北地区,罗马人称做 加勒多尼亚。 不列颠尼亚被 罗马人 神化,衍生 不列颠女神。 后成为现代 英国 的化身和象征,她的现代形象通常是身披盔甲,手持 三叉戟 和 …