List of BMP-1 variants - Wikipedia
BVP Šakal (also known as MEXCA or BVP-M2 SKCZ Šakal) – A major overhaul variant developed by Excalibur Army. Roof was raised by 15 cm, which allowed installation of addition …
BVP-1 (1971) - tank-afv.com
The BVP-1SM is a converted armored battlefield ambulance and the BVP-1PPK / PzPK "Snezka" an artillery reconnaissance platform. The OT R-5 "Becva" is a communications vehicle and the …
Such a modernized vehicle offers a solution to rearm the armed forces equiped with vehicles BVP-1 to the standards required for conducting of current combat operations. Vehicle crew for …
BVP-M – Wikipédia
BVP-M je slovenská modernizácia pôvodného sovietskeho bojového vozidla pechoty BMP-1 / BVP-1, spočívajúca v osadení bezosádkovej veže Turra 30 COAPS od slovenskej spoločnosti …
Takto modernizované vozidlo ponúka riešenie prezbrojenia ozbrojených síl vyzbrojených vozidlami BVP-1 na štandardy požadované pre vedenie súčasných bojových operácií. Osádku …
BMP–1 – Wikipédia
A BMP–1 (oroszul: БМП – Боевая машина пехоты / Bojevaja masina pehoti; magyarul: gyalogsági harcjármű) a Szovjetunióban az 1960-as évek első felében, a Cseljabinszki …
BMP-1 - Wikipedia
The BMP-1 is a Soviet amphibious tracked infantry fighting vehicle that has been in service from 1966 to the present. BMP stands for Boyevaya Mashina Pyekhoty 1 (Russian: Боевая …
武器科普 苏联BMP-1步兵战车以及苏联时期的部分衍生车型
2024年3月1日 · 该型号为增加装甲的BMP -1 (又称“阿富汗”型)。 在车体侧面以及驾驶员位置上增加了额外的装甲。 由于战斗全重的增加,该型号失去了浮渡能力。 该车为苏联冷战后期开发的 …
History: Armoured Infantry Fighting Vehicle BVP-1
This is a light combat amphibious tracked vehicle (known also under acronym BMP) with high manoeuvrability equipped with huge weaponry and armoured protection. Its capabilities …
SVK - BVP-1M : Czechoslovakia / Czech Republic / Slovak …
The BVP-1M vehicle is an infantry-combat vehicle taking advantage of the improved chassis and seating from the BVP-1, coupled with a new turret and weapon system. The vehicle's driving …