BvS10 - Wikipedia
The BvS10 (Bandvagn Skyddad 10, also known as Bandvagn 410 or BV410) is a tracked articulated amphibious all-terrain armoured vehicle produced by BAE Systems Land Systems Hägglunds of Sweden. [1] .
BVS10 Viking ATTV 1:48th Scale Resin & metal model kit
1/48th Scale unassembled resin, pewter and brass model kit of the BVS10 Viking ATTV. Very nicely detailed model with resin tracks, body and rear cab. White metal fittings such as mud guards, hatch etc...from
1/50 or 28mm BVS10 Viking and BV206 resin kits - eBay
One kit of a BVS10 Viking in resin, roughly 1/50 scale from Honourable Lead Boiler Suit Company. Also, 1/56 or 28mm BVS206 kit from a 3D printer (unknown). These are nice kits, both consisting of one-piece bodies for the cab and trailer, separate tracks and other small details.
BvS10 Beowulf, Panzerfux Military Kits 72034 (2023) - Scalemates
We don't know about any in-box reviews for this BvS10 Beowulf (#72034) from Panzerfux Military Kits.
BvS10全地形車 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
BvS10全地形車(瑞典語: Bandvagn Skyddad 10 ,意為10號裝甲履帶式車輛),也稱為Bandvagn 410或Bv410,是英國 貝宜系統於瑞典的子公司 黑格倫德陸地系統公司 ( 英语 : BAE Systems AB ) 生產的聯結式兩棲全地形履帶裝甲車。
Bs V10 Viking Amphibious All-Terrain Vehicle - 3D model by
2023年8月14日 · The BvS10 (Bandvagn Skyddad 10) is a tracked articulated amphibious all-terrain armoured vehicle. Originally designed for the British Royal Marines and named Viking.
BvS10装甲全地形车 - 百度百科
BvS10 MKII全地形车是BvS10全地形车的改进型,总重14.5t,有效载荷达6t,前部可载员4人,后部可载员8人,采用新型车体,具有较低的车体轮廓,装备防地雷组件,能够提供4569 2级防地雷能力,通过安装陶瓷装甲板,还可提高防护能力;动力装置采用功率为217kW的康 ...
2024年6月21日 · BvS10“贝奥武夫”配备一台康明斯6.7升直列六缸发动机和艾利逊自动变速箱,输出功率210 kW,扭矩高达970 Nm。 这样的动力系统让“贝奥武夫”的公路最高行驶速度达到70千米/小时,浮渡速度可达4千米/小时,续航里程400~1000千米(取决于具体配置),非常适合执行快速部署任务和长期救援行动。 “贝奥武夫”另一个显著特点就是出色的机动性,它可以爬上45°的斜坡,跨越2米宽的壕沟,无需准备即可在恶劣地形行驶,其两栖性能大大拓展了行驶范围。 该车 …
BvS10 Family of Vehicles - BAE Systems
The armored BvS10 vehicles are built with protection against ballistics and anti-tank mines. This family of vehicles are also air transportable by CH-47, C-130, or similar aircraft. They are designed to easily integrate with a wide-range of weaponry, while maintaining additional flexibility to be equipped for future mission needs.
BVS10 Viking mk III - Army Recognition
2024年9月14日 · The BvS10 Viking is a fully amphibious all-terrain tracked armored vehicle designed and manufactured by the British Company BAE Systems, in collaboration with the Swedish Company Land Systems Hagglunds.
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