Why did Rastakhan make a deal with Bwonsamdi? : r/warcraftlore
2020年9月3日 · Bwonsamdi is far more powerful than the other Loa. Loa's power comes from the number of worshippers and the Loa of Death is spoke about at every funeral, every time someone is deathly ill, any time they want the souls of their deparated to …
Little Ol' Bwonsamdi - General Discussion - World of Warcraft …
2020年9月24日 · I am leveling up my Vulpera, after having leveled 15 other characters, and I have to tell you, I love the quest line that requests Bwonsamdi’s aid. I love the character of Bwonsamdi. What is his backstory? How did he become a Loa? I apologize in advance - I haven’t read any of the books. I know he exists…but who was he before he was a Loa? Share your …
So, bwonsamdi - MMO-Champion
2019年11月13日 · Bwonsamdi is probably just a minor big shot compared to the other head honchos in the Shadowlands. I doubt he's a agent of the Arbiter, he seems far too weak for that. Maybe a agent of one of the Covenant leaders or just a agent of a completely different entity in the Shadowlands since the realm is infinite so it's very possible there could be ...
Bwonsamdi - the best part about Shadowlands : r/warcraftlore
Bwonsamdi is just brilliant. I've loved the character since he first graced us with an audience way back on the Echo Isles. We got to know him more in BfA and speculate about his sometimes antagonistic relationship with the other loa and the uneasy way in which he is viewed by the Zandalari and other trolls.
What the hell is this Bwonsamdi portal in Ardenweald?
2020年12月19日 · I found this Bwonsamdi looking portal at 50.5 44.6 just south of Glitterfall basin by the dragons and I honestly have no idea what the hell it’s for. Does anyone know or is it not a part of any stories yet. I believe you’ve described the portal to De Other Side dungeon.
Bwonsamdi, Troll Frost Mage ideas - help! : r/Transmogrification
2023年12月14日 · I’m looking for some good ideas for a frost mage, male troll transmog. Ideally, it gives off this Bwonsamdi vibe. It can have both blue’ish and red colors, as long as it works as a frost mage mog! Any ideas appreciated!
A million souls for Bwonsamdi - World of Warcraft Forums
2023年12月2日 · I’m replaying BfA on the horde at the moment. I just did the bit where you meet Bwonsamdi and go into business with him, so to speak. I forgot that your end of the bargain is a pledge of a million souls to him. So where are we up to with that? My old main who played through it all those years ago. I wonder how many souls he’s up to now. I wish this was …
Bwonsamdi' accent : r/warcraftlore - Reddit
2018年8月22日 · Thirdly, Bwonsamdi collects troll souls to help them move to ‘the other side’. Considering how talkative Bwonsamdi is in the game, and how he even talks to dead players as a spirit healer, we can safely assume Bwonsamdi often, or even constantly talks with (dead) trolls, as has done so for many centuries.
What is the role of Bwonsamdi - Story Forum - World of Warcraft …
2019年11月22日 · I know he watches over Troll souls in the afterlife, but is he also literally a grim reaper figure? When Rezan threatened him to give back Rastakhan’s life/soul, this implied Rezan, despite being a top tier loa, did not have the power to revive/prevent death for Rastakhan. Only Bwonsamdi could do this. Does this mean Bwonsamdi decides when all trolls die? This is …
[HC] Bwonsamdi, the Loa of Graves - Hero and Skin Suggestions
2019年6月14日 · Bwonsamdi, the Loa of Graves Bwonsamdi is a unique support hero whom focuses on a global playstyle, buffing his allies, providing playmaking mechanics and being able to double soak to some extent. Most unique is his role as a hypercarry support, which is achieved through his trait and his level 1 talents which behave as quests that affect your ...