Latin Abbreviations: N.B. Meaning, Uses, Examples - ThoughtCo
2019年10月5日 · "Now, pay attention!" That's the basic meaning of N.B. — the abbreviated form of the Latin phrase "nota bene" (literally, "note well"). N.B. still appears in some forms of academic writing as a way of steering readers' attention toward something particularly important.
英语缩写NB(Nota Bene)的用法详解,意思是 “注意“ 或 “请注 …
2025年1月3日 · “ Nota Bene ” 是拉丁语,字面意思是 “ 注意好 ” 或 “ 请留意 ”。 这个短语用于提醒读者或听众某个特别重要的点,通常用来强调信息的关键性或 重要性。 由于其简洁明了, NB 成为英语中广泛使用的缩写之一。 2. NB的用法. NB 通常用于书面语,尤其是在正式的文档、邮件、通知、注释、学术论文或合同中。 它用来提示或引起对某些重要细节的注意。 它通常位于句子的开头或段落的最后,以强调其后内容的特殊性。 常见场景一:学术和正式文献. 在学术论文或 …
"N.B." vs. "P.S." - Difference Explained (Email Usage) - Grammarhow
“N.B.” means “nota bene,” which we use to refer readers to a specific piece of information and “take note” of it. This will help them to remember it later. “P.S.” means “postscript,” which is additional information we include at the end of a letter or email. We typically use “N.B.” when we want to draw the reader’s attention to something.
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NB | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary
NB definition: 1. written before a piece of important information to make readers notice it: 2. written…. Learn more.
Proper punctuation in abbreviation of Nota Bene
Which of the following are "correct" ways to abbreviate Nota Bene? Authoritative sources would be much appreciated. In Italy you will see it as N.B. and usually it's the most common spelling also abroad. I've seen NB: but honestly, it doesn't feel right.
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What is n.b. in email & letter? - English Basics
2022年1月9日 · The abbreviation n.b. basically stands for the Latin phrase note bene. Note bene in English means note well. So, whenever one needs to make sure that the reader reads the important part, the abbreviation n.b. comes into play. This is mostly seen in formal letters or emails and not in informal. Meaning and use of n.b. in email
N.B. - definition of N.B. by The Free Dictionary
N.B. - a Latin phrase (or its abbreviation) used to indicate that special attention should be paid to something; "the margins of his book were generously supplied with pencilled NBs"
What does N.B. mean? - Definitions.net
N.B. is an abbreviation for the Latin phrase "nota bene," meaning "note well" or "take special notice." It is commonly used to draw attention to an important piece of information or to highlight a particularly significant point in a written text.