By15 Weapon Stats, Attachment, & Skin - zilliongamer
3 天之前 · By15 is a Pump-action shotgun that is effective at close range. This is a fresh stats. Not any attachment is being equipped to the weapon. Here are the recommend best attachment to use with By15 in COD Mobile: Muzzle: Marauder Suppressor. Barrel: RTC Extended Light Barrel. Stock: OWC Ranger Stock. Laser: OWC Laser - Tactical.
BY15 | Call of Duty Mobile Wiki | Fandom
BY15是一把来自《使命召唤:现代战争 重制版》(Call of Duty : Modern Warfare Remastered)的泵动霰弹枪,适合近距离作战。 多人联机 BY15是本作中玩家默认第一把接触到的霰弹枪。
BY15 (Shotgun) - Call of Duty®: Mobile Database
Unlock Gold camo for all weapons in the game. Get 10 kills in a completed match 120 times to unlock. Get 12 kills with this weapon in 6 completed Undead Siege matches. (Hard or Nightmare) Obtained by participating in the engagement events. BY15 - Scoreboard! Pump-action shotgun.
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The Best BY15 Loadouts in Call of Duty Mobile - The Global Gaming
2024年3月10日 · Best BY15 Gunsmith Loadouts. Also known as the W1200 in previous COD titles like Modern Warfare 2, the BY15 is a high-fire rate pump-action shotgun with a tight hip fire pellet dispersion that can inflict tremendous damage at close range. This enables the BY15 to one-shot kill opponents in both Multiplayer and Battle Royale Modes.
三把泵动式霰弹枪:BY15、M1887、KRM262谁更适合新手?_《 …
2020年11月4日 · BY15的原型是温彻斯特1200霰弹枪,该枪最初用于狩猎,后来才投入战斗,因此很多特性都是为了满足猎户的需求。 优缺点. BY15的优点是射程远、射速快且精准度较高, 当然这里主要以其他霰弹枪作为比较,和步枪射程相比还是差很多。 不过它的射程已经和冲锋枪MSMC一样,中距离作战也不成问题。 另外BY15的精准度接近Type 25,近距离腰射时,如果你擅长压枪,BY15的威力反而更突出,作用也更大。 BY15的缺点是机动性一般, 一旦你面前超 …
《使命召唤手游》霰弹枪BY15强度解析 BY15配件搭配推荐
2021年6月2日 · BY15的原型是雷明顿M870霰弹枪。 在运动射击,狩猎以及自卫等方面都有广泛的应用,而且在全世界的执法和军事组织中都有所使用。 基础数值: 伤害98,射速29. 精准48,机动性71. 射程40,控制42. 武器优缺点: 优点:BY15的优点是射程远、射速快且精准度较高,当然这里主要以其他霰弹枪作为比较。 缺点:BY15的缺点是机动性一般,一旦你面前超过两个敌人,就会感到输出乏力,因为除了每次要换弹、拉护木外,你还要多一个瞄准的动作。 如果无法做到一 …
HS0405 VS BY15 Comparison | Call of Duty Mobile - zilliongamer
3 天之前 · BY15 has a better fire rate but the damage and accuracy are a bit lower than HS0405. High Fire Rate: Having a higher fire rate allows BY15 to shoot faster than Hs0405. Both guns are really good to use in the close-range fight due to the pretty good damage that can knock down the enemy in just a single shot.
BY15怎么样 BY15枪械介绍 BY15有什么特点 - 17173新闻中心
BY15的原型为温彻斯特M1200霰弹枪,此枪于1991年由温切斯特公司枪械设计师托马斯·约翰逊设计,次年推出市场。 据说传奇枪械设计师约翰·勃朗宁也曾参与过此枪设计,此枪的问世是为了代替同一公司的M1912霰弹枪产品线。 而它也确实做到了蜚声海外,截止1963年停产共销售超过200万支,其影响力不言而喻。 M1200有一个有趣的绰号——“拇指杀手”,这是因为在装填时枪机会从机匣后方伸出,如果一不小心枪手的拇指搭的位置过高就会被撞到或擦伤。 以上是使命 …
HS2126 VS BY15 Comparison | Call of Duty Mobile - zilliongamer
4 天之前 · BY15 has better damage, accuracy, and range but it has less fire rate and mobility than HS2126. High Damage : Having a higher is an advantage for BY15 to take down the enemy with a single shot. High Accuracy : Having a higher accuracy allows BY15 to hit more targets as well as the moving targets with less recoil.
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