Lockheed C-5 Galaxy - Wikipedia
The Lockheed C-5 Galaxy is a large military transport aircraft designed and built by Lockheed, and now maintained and upgraded by its successor, Lockheed Martin. It provides the United …
C-5 A/B/C Galaxy and C-5M Super Galaxy > Air Force > Fact …
2017年12月18日 · A U.S. Air Force C-5 Galaxy from the 436th Airlift Wing flies over New Jersey while lit by the setting sun. The C-5, one of the largest military aircraft, provides the Air Force …
C-5運輸機 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
C-5「銀河」(C-5 Galaxy)是美國 洛克希德公司研製的大型戰略軍用運輸機,也是美國空軍現役最大的戰略運輸機,它能夠在全球範圍內運載超大規格的貨物並在相對較短的距離裏起飛和降 …
C-5运输机 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
C-5“银河”(C-5 Galaxy)是美国 洛克希德公司研制的大型战略军用运输机,也是美国空军现役最大的战略运输机,它能够在全球范围内运载超大规格的货物并在相对较短的距离里起飞和降落 …
C-5 A/B/C Galaxy and C-5M Super Galaxy - Air Mobility Command
C-5M is a modernized version of the legacy C-5 designed and manufactured by Lockheed Martin. Currently the U.S. Air Force owns and operates 52 C-5B/C/M. They are stationed at Dover …
C-5 Galaxy - Lockheed Martin
As the Air Force’s largest and only strategic airlifter, the C-5 Galaxy can carry more cargo farther distances than any other aircraft. With a payload of six Mine Resistant Ambush Protected …
C-5 A/B/C Galaxy and C-5M Super Galaxy - Travis Air Force Base
The C-5 has the distinctive high T-tail, 25-degree wing sweep, and four turbofan engines mounted on pylons beneath the wings. The C-5 has 12 internal wing tanks with a total capacity of …
C-5A/B Galaxy - Military Aircraft - Federation of American Scientists
The C-5 Galaxy is a heavy-cargo transport designed to provide strategic airlift for deployment and supply of combat and support forces. The C-5 can carry unusually large and heavy cargo for …
U.S. Air Force C-5 Galaxy history, deployment and photographs
The Lockheed C-5 Galaxy is a large military transport aircraft designed and built by Lockheed, and now maintained and upgraded by Lockheed Martin. It provides the USAF with a heavy …
C-5M Super Galaxy > Air Force > Fact Sheet Display
The C-5M Super Galaxy is a strategic transport aircraft and is the largest aircraft in the Air Force inventory. Its primary mission is to transport cargo and personnel for the Department of …