gui - What to do after learning C language? | DaniWeb - DaniWeb …
I want to contribute to C open source projects, to build softwares like mp3 players and to contribute to Linux system programming. Please suggest me helpful tips and books from where I can supplement my hunger for knowledge and get out of this nasty situation.
Win32 C++ GUI - take inputed text and show ... | DaniWeb
2015年1月26日 · [win32 - C/C++11] - menu class 6 ; Moire patterns using circles (Tkinter, Python) 0 ; C Program - to accept 'n' strings from user and store it in a char array 10 ; Bounding Box - Bezier Curve 3 ; C program to remove even numbers and fill it with zero 5 ; Messy array things. 8 ; C++ Arrays, functions 6 ; Question about C++ built in functions 3
user-interface - C++ Gui design | DaniWeb - DaniWeb Community
2011年6月16日 · However most OS APIs and some simple GUI libraries use what is essentially a collection of C-style functions, but they are generally much harder to use (as in, it makes you write a lot of code, in a painful way). Qt is a free GUI toolkit that is very good and cross-platform (but there are others like MFC, WinForm, wxWidget, VCL/CLX, etc.). I ...
gui - How to create click-on button in c | DaniWeb - DaniWeb …
ok, the link brought me to some helpful code, but the compiler (Visual C++) is saying the 2nd argument in MessageBox isnt the correct type. once again, I run into LPCWSTR.
microsoft - Bouncing Ball (Dev C++ GUI code) | DaniWeb
Am a new c++ programmer. I refer to the code " Bouncing Ball" which is a GUI, now there is a rectangle created, i managed to change the color the rectangle in the main window and what my may problem is how to make the rectangle fixed and not only increase to be a full rectangle after the ball has hit both ends, how do i achieve that?
C# GUI for a C++ program? | DaniWeb - DaniWeb Community
C-implementation of M-ary/multiway tree .....clear with basics,but ntable to implmnt, 8 ; Forms 3 ; C++ Form problem: pause execution until button is pressed 7 ; Borland form help 5 ; GUI Programming in C++ 8 ; select all test in a textbox 2 ; C++ graphics with window buttons 8 ; Visual C++ multiple file organization 3 ; C++ Cross-Platform GUI ...
operating-system - how to create a simple GUI for an OS | DaniWeb
2015年3月19日 · C / C++ FAQ's and Practice problems 45 ; C++ Arrays, functions 6 ; Application settings saved, but not viewable in visual studio 1 ; C Program - to accept 'n' strings from user and store it in a char array 10 ; How can I connect MySql database on windows phone 8.1 using vb? 8 ; C program to remove even numbers and fill it with zero 5
Simple C++ GUI | DaniWeb
Questions on a simple C program 13 ; Quadratic Formula 2 ; Problems With Simple C++ Battle System; Need Help 6 ; Autonumber from access field. 6 ; C# - Update - Change Password Function! 8 ; printing out shapes in c++ 5 ; C-implementation of M-ary/multiway tree .....clear with basics,but ntable to implmnt, 8 ; hangman 9 ; C++ Thomas Algorithm 2
c - GUI [SOLVED] | DaniWeb
what book will you suggest me to read if i want to learn gui using c language.? c. 0 0. Share. 3 Contributors;
C++ GUI | DaniWeb
GUI Programming in C++ :) 0 ; project on Reservation system in c++ 14 ; GUI programming 6 ; How to generate a list of permutations for a given binary number 22 ; GUI with C++ 5 ; Vending Machine 5 ; GUI in c++ 7 ; help me plz 1 ; C++ store numeric and char data from textbox 2 ; Help, program not working 2 ; gui programming 5 ; RSS feed how to ...
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