C-MAC Video Laryngoscope D-BLADE - Karl Storz SE
The C-MAC® HD Series – For Optimized Visualization.
C-MAC Monitor for CMOS Endoscopes, Set | KARL STORZ …
The C-MAC® HD Monitor – The Heart of the C-MAC® System Interactive FULL HD touch screen that can also be used with gloves Picture-in-Picture and Side-by-Side modes Integrated microphone allows audio comments to be added to the videos
C-MAC monitor and visualization - Karl Storz SE
The C-MAC® monitors and further visualization options are at the heart of the system. In addition, the endoscopes in the C-MAC® line can, of course, be integrated into existing installations in the OR.
We are excited to introduce the next-generation 8404 C-MAC® HD platform. This is the first TRUE HD video intubation system available in the marketplace! The C-MAC® HD Monitor and 8404 series HD video laryngoscopes are the newest additions to the most versatile video intubation platform available today.
C-MACsolution Increase your visualization through maximum fl exibility with reusable and single-use product portfolio * In the new C-MAC® HD monitor, if the Time Machine Mode is activated and then the record button is pressed, 60 seconds of video sequence before pressing the recording button is saved automatically.
C-MAC® HD: Endoscopy at your Fingertips doscopes, making it a great solution for various endoscopic applications in small animals. The compact and lightweight design is ideal for use in small spaces, w
儿科电子喉镜 - C-MAC® - KARL STORZ - 带刀头 - MedicalExpo
让我们的新型C-MAC®高清视频喉镜和我们的新型C-MAC®高清显示器带您进入高清成像的新水平。 我们的高清可视化构成了更真实的病人气道视图的基础,而我们的内窥镜的先进技术确保了病人数据的质量比以往更高。
C-MAC® HD - Choice... - 惠眾股份有限公司 Surgitech Corporation
C-MAC® HD - Choice Changes Everything 讓我們新型的 C-MAC® HD 帶您進入更高水平的高清影像。 👉 8吋大螢幕顯示 1920x1200像素 👉 觸碰式螢幕 👉 雙圖和併排圖像兩種模式 👉 內建麥克風收音孔 👉 軟硬鏡皆可隨插隨用 👉 體積小好攜帶...
Experience True HD in Video Laryngoscopy - Karl Storz SE
Let the new C-MAC HD® Series take you to the next level of high-definition imaging. Our HD visualization forms the basis for even more realistic views of patient airway while the advanced technology of our endoscopes ensures that the quality of patient data is higher than even before.
airway. The C-MAC® is based on a modifi ed Macintosh blade that has the same curvature as the original 1943 version.1 Unlike the original blade, however, the C-MAC® blade has a fl atter profi le (maximum of 14 mm) and a beveled shoulder (Fig. 1) to reduce the risk of oral and dental injuries while allowing insertion even in patients with a ...