Vvvv - YouTube
Watch the video titled "Vvvv" on YouTube.
vvvv - visual live-programming for .NET
2025年3月5日 · vvvv can be extended with custom nodes written in pure C#. No proprietary plugin-wrapping boilerplate code is needed. This allows you to directly consume almost any .NET library from nuget.org, without having to write a single line of code.
VVVVVV trailer - YouTube
http://www.gog.com/game/vvvvvv VVVVVV is a retro styled 2D platformer by Terry Cavanagh, creator of dozens of free games. You play as the fearless leader of a team of dimension exploring scientists...
First Steps - vvvv Tutorial - YouTube
In this tutorial, you'll learn the essentials you need to know to create programs with vvvv. Download: https://visualprogramming.net Recorded with vvvv gamma 2020.1 - Don't see the "Renderer"...
vvvv 是一个免费开源的实时图形处理和可视化编程环境,广泛用于现场表演、互动装置和视觉艺术创作。 通过节点式编程,用户可以无需编写传统代码即可构建复杂的实时图形和动画。
vvvv - GitHub
vvvv is a visual live-programming environment for .NET that takes you from rapid prototyping to final production. Here is what people do with vvvv. To get started, follow these: Website Documentation Tutorials Forum Chat
vvvv - Wikipedia
vvvv (German pronunciation: [faʊfiːɐ̯] = "Vau Vier" or "v4") is a general-purpose digital toolkit with a special focus on real-time video synthesis and programming of large media environments with physical interfaces, real-time motion graphics, audio and video.
vvvv gamma 入门教程 / 安装 - 了解UI - 哔哩哔哩
第一个视频快速地安装一下vvvv gamma的编写环境,然后看下编辑器的结构,看看程序都长什么样子。
GA教育 | VVVV入门教程第二讲:Node节点-数艺网
《VVVV入门教程第一讲:基础介绍及软件安装》By TonyMark。 关注公众号,回复 “VVVV第二讲课件”,获取本节代码、高清教程及案例视频。 图文讲解为部分功能讲解,完整细节请观看视频教程。 首先启动VVVV编程软件,将会出现一个干净整洁的 空白操作界面。 VVVV软件界面,图片来源于GeeksArt。 软件界面的 顶部 会显示文件的所在位置。 VVVV软件界面,图片来源于VVVV官网。 之后我们需要搭建一个项目框架,便于后续学习。 此处以第二讲教程为例,在VVVV文 …
1 VVVV简介 - ESP8266/ESP32 - 极客工坊 - Powered by Discuz!
2013年4月2日 · vvvv具有控制多种第三方设备的能力,比如DVD播放机、工业接口(用于照明和电气)、触摸屏、游戏设备、转盘、定位和定向传感器、MIDI设备、DMX接口、串行接口、键盘和鼠标。