Fairchild C-123 Provider - Wikipedia
The Fairchild C-123 Provider is an American military transport aircraft designed by Chase Aircraft and built by Fairchild Aircraft for the U.S. Air Force.
Fairchild C-123K Provider - National Museum of the USAF
DAYTON, Ohio -- Fairchild C-123K Provider at the National Museum of the United States Air Force. (U.S. Air Force photo) The Provider was a short-range assault transport used for airlifting troops and cargo to and from small, unprepared airstrips.
C-123B型在南星計畫下改裝成C-123K型,在正副駕駛艙左右及艙下加裝鋼板防護,並加裝J85-GE-17噴射發動機兩具,每具馬力2,500匹,可實施短場起降,最高速度209浬/時,航程1131浬,最大速度209浬/時,實用昇限29,360呎,可搭載機員二人,乘客或兵員60人。 該機的優點可在短而簡陋的跑道起降,其高翹的機尾便於空投補給品及傘兵空降,在作戰期間能充分發揮其長處,使部隊即時獲得補給。 民國五十二年三月,我空軍獲美國移交參加越戰C-123B型機五架,交由 …
C-123運輸機 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
費爾柴德 C-123供應者 (Provider)是 美國空軍 在 二戰 後裝備的一種 運輸機。 其機體設計來自於全金屬的無動力滑翔機XCG-20。 在XCG-20發展過程中,其中兩架原型滑翔機分別加裝兩具R-2800-23型發動機(XC-123)與四具J47-GE-11型發動機(XC-123A)而成 [1]。 其中XC-123在通過測試,更換新型發動機(R-2800-99W)以及改用方型垂直尾翼後,定名為C-123B,並於1952年開始進入量產。 C-123B也是此型運輸機後來所有衍生型的基礎。 C-123運輸機系列中最為人 …
Fairchild C-123 Provider - Price, Specs, Photo Gallery, History
Fairchild C-123 Provider is a transport aircraft for the American military, designed by Chase Aircraft. This was subsequently built by the Fairchild Aircraft Company for the US Air Force. In addition to the USAF services, it also went to serve most …
C-123K Provider – Air Mobility Command Museum
Because of its unique capabilities as a cargo transport plane and its ability to use unimproved landing strips in remote regions, the Peruvians nicknamed this plane “El Burro.” The Provider is a short-range assault transport used to airlift troops and …
C-123K | Travis Air Force Base | Travis Air Force Base Heritage Center
Our C-123 was originally constructed as a C-123B-12-FA, and was later upgraded to C-123K standards with the addition of larger diameter wheels and an anti-skid braking system, plus two General Electric J-85 turbojets to increase the aircraft's STOL …
The C-123K Provider is a short-range assault transport cargo airplane that was used to airlift troops and cargo onto short runways and unprepared airstrips. It can haul 24,000 pounds, carry 50 injured troops, and fly up to 1,825 miles without stopping
C-123K Provider - Museum of Aviation
The Provider was a short-range assault transport used to airlift troops and cargo onto short runways and unprepared airstrips. Designed by the Chase Aircraft Company, the C-123 evolved from earlier designs for large assault gliders. The first prototype XC-123 made its initial flight on 14 October 1949, powered by two piston engines.
C-123K Provider > Hurlburt Field > Hurlburt Field Fact Sheets
The Chase Aircraft G-20 cargo glider evolved through stages into the C-123 Provider. From the G-20, Chase developed into the XC-123 in 1949 with a 67-troop capacity and the SC-123A in 1951. The XC-123A with four J-47 turbojet engines first flew April 21, 1951, as the first all-jet Air Force cargo transport.
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