Why is C the base note of standard notation and keys?
Why is it that notes "start" with C? In key signatures, for example, C Major is the basis and accidentals are added for all other key signatures. I know that the musical alphabet starts with A and goes to G, so why is C the base note of standard notation and keys? Why isn't A the basis?
Parts Express DIY C-Note Speaker Review
2016年2月13日 · This is a review and detailed measurements of the Parts Express C-Note DIY Kit. It was kindly purchased, put together and shipped to me by member @Winkleswizard. A pair of these with everything you need including the cabinet "flat pack" costs just US $100. And that includes free shipping if...
Dayton Audio C-Note MT build progress
2017年12月12日 · C-Note with shorter port and lining lower half of cabinet inside Using REW to measure a full range frequency sweep at the 75 dB reference level, there are only small differences in frequency response between the 4 test cases.
Definition of the note C - Music: Practice & Theory Stack Exchange
2014年9月4日 · The very simplest answer is that A is 440Hz (* 2^n, as you say) and that C is a minor third higher than that (523.251 Hz). However, the mapping of absolute pitches to note names is only a convention, and in reality the absolute pitch of C only needs to be agreed between the people performing a piece of music. When I pick up my guitar, for me C is the …
C-Note Speaker Kit Major Modification??? - Audio Science Review …
2021年2月12日 · The C-Note centre speaker kind of fulfills the first suggestion. The other suggestions seem to be along the lines of the TriTrix. Personally I think taking the C-Note drivers and putting them in a bigger cabinet as a 3 way with an 8" Dayton woofer might be interesting. Maybe make the new cabinet in 2 halves with the same volume as a C-Note above and a …
Dayton Audio C-Note MT build progress
2020年1月14日 · Zaph 5.2 TM build, Dayton C-Note build, Carmody S2000 build, Selah Integrity build, GR XL-S Encore and LGK2 builds, Bagby Mandolin build, Purifi SPK5 rebuild Hypex/Purifi Amplifier builds ASR Directiva Project Seeking objectively superior audio
Parts Express DIY C-Note Speaker Review
2020年4月18日 · The C-note is designed to be used near a wall, so that will add quite a bit of boost if you are looking for flatter low end response.
Aboslute best CHEAP DIY speaker - Audio Science Review (ASR) …
2020年6月16日 · I do think in the DIY realm, the C-notes are a very nice choice in terms of a nearly complete (box included) pair of speakers for $200. That said, note that a huge part of the C-Note speakers appeal is good bass for the size. Using a sub negates that a bit and definitely running them sealed negates a lot of the C-note design goal appeal.
Parts Express DIY C-Note Speaker Review
2019年5月22日 · The C-note is designed to be used near a wall, so that will add quite a bit of boost if you are looking for flatter low end response. But in my experience, extended low end is better than flatter low end, if you have to choose between the two (small speakers).
Parts Express DIY C-Note Speaker Review
2023年5月31日 · The C-note produces a lot of peaking in the frequency response curve with this kind of Class D amp, so isn't that a bad combination? Or is the crossover different to allow it to work?