Dragon Assault Ship | Avatar Wiki | Fandom
The C-21, also called the Dragon Assault Ship (Na'vi name: Kunsip apxa meaning "large gunship") or Dragon Gunship, is a quad-tiltrotor VTOL heavy transport and assault aircraft used by the RDA for full-scale military operations against the Na'vi, or as support during small incursions into otherwise hostile territory teeming with vicious ...
C-21 Dragon Assault Ship | Avatar.com
Used by the Colonel Quaritch as his flying base of operations during the Battle of the Hallelujah Mountains, the C-21 Dragon Assault Ship is an aerial weapons platform equipped to deal severe damage. The gunship has purposefully been upgraded to withstand Pandora’s powerful electromagnetic fields.
C-21“龙”式突击舰 - 百度百科
C-21“龙”式突击舰出自电影《阿凡达》,简称龙舰,是地球驻 潘多拉星球 部队的最大的 常规武器。 四个涡轮机桨的重型运输飞机,和 参孙运输机 、蝎式战机一样可以垂直起降,但装备了更多军火,有几十个火箭炮和导弹发射器以及无数的重机枪,而且它还保留了参孙运输机安装在机舱门口的重机枪,堪称武装到了牙齿。 当飞龙战机作为运输机时,它也能在战场上发挥巨大作用,比如运送步兵还有机器装甲等。 不过飞龙战机也有其显著的缺点,由于体形巨大,它的速度、机动 …
C - 21“龙”式突击舰 - 哔哩哔哩
C-21a.k.a.Dragon攻击舰(Na'vi名称:Kunsip Apxa,意思是“大型炮舰”)是一种四旋翼重型运输和攻击飞机,用于对theNa'vi的全面军事行动,或在小型入侵充满邪恶巨型动植物的敌对领土时作为支援。 它是RDA在潘多拉星球上最强大的非核武器,加上重型装甲、毁灭性火力和一个可容纳更多货物或部队的大型货舱,使C-21“龙”攻击舰成为一艘功能齐全的多用途飞艇。 在拍摄这部电影时,RDA只有一条运行中的巨龙,尽管潘多拉星球上还有第二条巨龙机身,但大部分主要部件并 …
C-21 Dragon Assault Ship Explained | James Cameron's Avatar
A massive, mobile gunship, the Dragon was deployed for full-scale military operations on Pandora, commanded by Colonel Quaritch. ...more.
C-21 Dragon Assault Ship - ArtStation
The most challenging task I was given was building the CG version of Qauritch's Dragon Assault Ship. A full scale set of the first quarter of the ship was built on the sound stage at Stone Street Studios (the set extended to just before the main engine intakes) and the model had to line up exactly to extend or replace the set.
C-21 Dragon Assault Ship | Wiki | -•Avatar Amino•- Amino
2018年12月10日 · The C-21 a.k.a. Dragon Assault Ship (Na'vi name: Kunsip apxa meaning "large gunship") is a quad-rotor VTOL heavy transport and assault aircraft used by the RDA for full-scale military operations against the Na'vi, or as support during small incursions into otherwise hostile territory teeming with vicious megafauna and flora.
C-21 Dragon Heavy Assault Ship "Kunsip apxa" | Avatar (2009)
2022年7月23日 · The Dragon Assault Ship is a heavy transport and assault aircraft used by the RDA for full-scale military operations on Pandora (missions requiring heavy firepower). It was developed and used on...
C-21 "Dragon" Assault Ship from "Avatar" (2009) - Fantastic …
The C-21 "Dragon" is a heavy transport and gunship used by military and paramilitary entities both on Earth and in hostile alien environments. A four-engine VTOL, the C-21 is designed to operate in virtually any type of arena, from brutal arctic tundra to deep tropical rainforest.
The C21 'Dragon' Assault Ship acts not only as a gunship, but ... - Reddit
2022年5月10日 · The C21 'Dragon' Assault Ship acts not only as a gunship, but also a tactical transport and an electronic warfare support platform. The multi-role capabilities, it's size and that it's 'successful, though outdated' history really highlights the apocalyptic nature of Earth's wars.
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