C 298 - NAD Electronics
Selectable balanced inputs make the C 298 a natural for studio use or connection to High End Preamps and Processors. These inputs include a trim control useful for matching to other components. A line out allows further addition of power on the same channel for additional speakers or subwoofers.
NAD C 298 power amplifier - Stereophile.com
2021年5月21日 · The NAD C 298 stereo power amplifier is based on the Purifi Eigentakt class-D amplifier module, the most recent brainchild of Bruno Putzeys and Lars Risbo. The C 298's design incorporates feedback to achieve a linear and accurate transfer function, an approach espoused by Peter Walker, although the Purifi guys are using an approach to ...
NAD C298 全平衡立體聲後級 - 迎家音響-嚴選優質兩聲道 ...
配合NAD獨家高效能FDP電源供應系統,『C298』最高平均持續輸出可達至2x185W (8歐姆)/2x340W(4歐姆),瞬間峰值更是超過2x260W(8歐姆)/2x490W(4歐姆),並可橋接模式變為單聲道620W (8 歐姆),驚人的推力,絕對足以應付大動態的音樂與任何喇叭。
NAD C298新D后级初测,那些曾经昂贵的功放再见,江湖不需要眼泪…
2021年1月1日 · 借用刘汉盛对于热度非常高的NAD M33的评测文章,一部区区几万元的普通合并功放能搭配百万级的喇叭而毫不羞愧的功放。 慢慢来! 今天对手也很强。 在技术与科技面前有时候传统的价值观需要改变。 便宜又好的东西是没有的,但是可以创造出来。 事实就是这样的。 先看看这个工整朴实的外观。 我对国货挑落天价洋货从不感到意外,心有多大梦想就有多大,话说百万是不是新台币? 新年新期待,楼主上大餐,哈哈。 我对国货挑落天价洋货从不感到意外, …
NAD C 298:平價性能怪獸Purifi Eigentakt二聲道後級-普洛影音網
2020年11月10日 · NAD C 298配備自行研製的交換式電源,此電源具有供電能力強、安定性高與「安靜」的特性,讓兩聲道Purifi Eigentakt D類充分發揮「性能怪獸」的特質:C 298在二聲道輸出狀態下每聲道有185瓦額定功率(8歐姆),並且在「全功率輸出時」的全頻段總諧波失真低 …
NAD C298 Stereo Amplifier Review - Audio Science Review (ASR) …
2023年8月30日 · This is a review and detailed measurements of NAD C298 stereo class D power amplifier based on Purifi Eigentakt modules. It is on kind loan from a member and costs US $2,399. The unit is quite heavy for a class D amplifier.
Best Power Amps Under $5000 Series: NAD C298 Stereo Power …
2025年2月18日 · The NAD C298 is a stereo power amp, rated at 185 watts per channel into 8 ohms and 340 watts per channel into 4 ohms. It can be bridged to create a mono amp with 620 watts into 8 ohms (you will of course need a second amp for this dual mono scenario). Price is $2399 in the US. Now let’s get to the unusual part.
NAD C298两声道后级功放简单评测分享_家庭影院音频_Hao4K
2020年11月11日 · 家庭影院音频NAD C298两声道后级功放简单评测分享,我才刚评测完NAD M33旗舰综合功放,刘总编就把它带回家越级搭配百万级音箱、非常肯定M33优异的音质。M33会这么厉害,主因之一是它搭载了Bruno Putzeys继Hypex Ncore之后新 ...
NAD C298 Stereo power amplifier at Crutchfield
The NAD C298 delivers an impressive 185 watts per channel, and it's 4-ohm stable so it can drive a wide array of demanding speakers. In bridged mode, this powerhouse offers 620 watts into a single channel. You can connect your source via unbalanced RCA or balanced XLR inputs. But with NAD, you're getting more than high wattage numbers.
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NAD C 298 Class D Power Amp - Hi-Fi News
2021年11月22日 · The story is this: the C 298 is NAD's first stereo power amplifier to use Class D Eigentakt technology from Purifi, the Danish manufacturer founded by industry veterans Bruno Putzeys, Lars Risbo and Peter Lyngdorf.
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