Working Capital Solutions for Your Business I C2FO
C2FO is the only working capital solution that allows suppliers to get invoices paid early, when they want, at a discount they select using our patented Name Your Rate® technology. No loans, factors, paperwork or hassle. Just one click to set your rate, and if accepted, a payment that was to be made in 30, 60 or 90 days is made immediately.
C2FO Boosts Businesses With $78 Billion in Working Capital in …
Jan 17, 2023 · Facing high inflation and multiple interest rate increases throughout the year, businesses took control of their finances by utilizing C2FO’s platform and working capital products. C2FO delivered a record-breaking $78 billion in funding to businesses worldwide, a 42% increase over 2021.
【亚马逊VC高级运营系列08】C2FO如何让大额订单回款提 …
C2FO(全称“Collaborative Cash Flow Optimization”)成立于2008年,是全球领先的供应链金融科技平台,总部位于美国堪萨斯州。 其核心业务是通过动态折扣(Dynamic Discounting)和逆向保理(Reve…
C2FO:全球B2B运营资金撮合平台 - 未央网
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C2FO 是唯一的让供应商能够在需要的时候通过我们 Name Your Rate® 专利技术自行选择折扣率来获得发票提前付款的营运资金解决方案。 在我们的平台上,供应商可以按照自己的需求自行掌控到账时间和价格。
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C2FO has a best-in-class NPS of 75, determined by customer feedback. We are committed to being the best working capital option to our customers as we look for ways to better serve them every day. Subscribe to Our Newsletter
關於我們 | C2FO
C2FO 是 “Collaborative Cash Flow Optimization” 的縮寫,代表協作優化現金流。 我們相信現金流應該能夠在企業之間便捷地流動。 自 2008 年以來,我們一直致力於透過優化企業經營方式的創新雙贏的解決方案,將世界各地的企業聯繫在一起。
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C2FO es la única solución de capital de trabajo que permite a los proveedores obtener el pago anticipado de sus facturas, cuando lo deseen y con el descuento que elijan, gracias a nuestra tecnología patentada Name Your Rate®. Somos la plataforma que permite a los proveedores controlar cuándo cobran y a qué precio, de acuerdo con sus condiciones.
IFC and C2FO Partner to Enhance Financing for Local Enterprises …
Washington, D.C., October 28, 2024 – To increase the availability of affordable finance and strengthen local enterprises and supply chains across Africa, IFC, a member of the World Bank Group, today announced a strategic partnership with …
About Our Company | C2FO
C2FO stands for Collaborative Cash Flow Optimisation. And we believe cash flow should do just that — flow easily from one business to another. Since 2008, we’ve dedicated ourselves to bringing the world’s businesses together with innovative win-win solutions that have the power to transform the way the world does business.