收到细胞后, 首先观察培养瓶是否完好, 若发现培养瓶有破裂, 培养基外溢、 2. 用75% 酒精对培养瓶表面进行消毒处理,将培养瓶置于细胞培养箱中静置培养2~4 h, 以恢复细胞状态; 3. 静置完成后, 取出培养瓶, 显微镜下观察细胞生长情况,并对细胞进行不同倍. 数拍照保存(40×,100×,200× 各一张)前 三天照片为重要售后依据。 如发现细. 4. 若细胞密度超过80%, 则可以根据提供的细胞培养步骤进行传代或冻存;若细. 中继续培养。 1. 收到细胞后, 首先观察泡沫箱中干冰是否有剩余, 冻存管 …
C3H/10T1/2, Clone 8 - CCL-226 - ATCC
C3H/10T1/2, Clone 8 is a cell line exhibiting fibroblast morphology that was isolated from a line of C3H mouse embryo cells. This cell line was deposited by C Heidelberger. Please fill out the form below to sign up for notification when the product becomes in stock. You were successfully signed up for notification.
Cellosaurus cell line C3H/10T1/2 clone 8 (CVCL_0190)
Quantitative and qualitative studies of chemical transformation of cloned C3H mouse embryo cells sensitive to postconfluence inhibition of cell division. Chromosomal alterations in cell lines derived from mouse rhabdomyosarcomas induced by crystalline nickel sulfide.
Commitment of C3H10T1/2 pluripotent stem cells to the adipocyte ... - PNAS
2004年6月21日 · C3H10T1/2 Cells Previously Exposed to BMP4 Synchronously Undergo Mitotic Clonal Expansion upon Treatment with Differentiation Inducers. When induced to differentiate, growth-arrested 3T3-L1 preadipocytes synchronously reenter the cell cycle and undergo mitotic clonal expansion, a required event for adipocyte differentiation ( 4 , 21 , 22 ).
C3H/10T1/2,Clone 8小鼠胚胎成纤维细胞 - IMMOCELL
1C3H/10T1/2, Clone 8细胞是由C·Reznikoff等人于1972从C3H系小鼠胚胎细胞分离。C3H/10T1/2, Clone 8细胞对过度长满的细胞有丝分裂抑制非常敏感,在同源小鼠中不产生肿瘤,无自然转化的背景;C3H/10T1/2, Clone 8细胞也不含明显内源性转化鼠类白血病或肉瘤病毒。 No, in immunosuppressed mice. Yes, in semisolid medium. 1:2传代就是1个T25瓶传2个T25瓶或者2个6cm皿。 不是1个T25瓶传2个10cm皿. a、弃去培养上清,用不含钙、镁离子的PBS润洗细胞1 …
In this article, we report that bone morphogenic protein 4 (BMP4), a member of the transforming growth factor type superfamily, can induce commitment of C3H10T1 2 cells to preadipocytes that, when subjected to an adipocyte differenti-ation protocol, develop into cells of …
激活Hedgehog信号通路可抑制间充质干细胞成脂分化,但抑制Hedgehog信号通路是否可促进脂肪细胞分化研究结果却并不一致.本研究采用环靶明诱导C3H10T1/2细胞成脂分化,并以国际公认的成脂诱导剂混合物(胰岛素、地塞米松、吲哚美辛和IBMX)诱导细胞分化作为参考.qRT-PCR ...
培养多潜能的间充质干细胞 C3H10T1/2,用 20 μg/ml BMP2对其诱导一定时间后,RT-PCR 检测是否存在 BMP 信号通路中关键分子BMP受体BMPR Ⅰ,BMPRⅡ及Smad 1/5/8 的表达.Western 印迹检测 Smad 蛋白及 MAPK 信号通路中 p38 磷酸化水平变化,QRT-PCR 检测成脂肪标志基因 aP2 以及成脂肪相关转录因子...
Involvement of Cytoskeleton-associated Proteins in the …
In this study, we applied proteomics analysis profiling to characterize differences between uncommitted C3H10T1/2 pluripotent stem cells and those that have been committed to the adipocyte lineage by BMP4 or BMP2 with the goal to identify such proteins/factors and to understand the molecular mechanisms that govern the earliest stages of adipocyt...
Neuropilin 1 (NRP1) 正向调节 C3H10T1/2 细胞的脂肪形成分 …
2023年4月17日 · 全长 nrp1 和 gag 可修饰 nrp1 的表达在 c3h10t1/2 细胞的脂肪形成分化过程中增加。 NRP1 敲低抑制脂肪生成,同时降低 Akt 和 ERK1/2 磷酸化水平。 此外,支架蛋白 JIP4 通过与 NRP1 相互作用参与 C3H10T1/2 细胞的脂肪形成。
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