CID 5364901 | C4H3O - PubChem
Mar 27, 2005 · CID 5364901 | C4H3O | CID 5364901 - structure, chemical names, physical and chemical properties, classification, patents, literature, biological activities, safety/hazards/toxicity information, supplier lists, and more.
丙烯醛 - 百度百科
丙烯醛,是一种 有机化合物,为最简单的不饱和醛,化学式为C3H4O,为无色或淡黄色液体,溶于水,易溶于 乙醇 、 丙酮 等多数 有机溶剂,其蒸气有很强的刺激性和催泪性,是化工中很重要的合成中间体,广泛用于树脂生产和有机合成中。 2017年10月27日, 世界卫生组织 国际癌症研究机构 公布的 致癌物 清单初步整理参考,丙烯醛在 3类致癌物 清单中。 [55] 家兔 经皮:5mg,重度刺激。 家兔经眼:1mg,重度刺激。 大鼠持续接触本品浓度4.8mg/m 3,40h后,其肝脏的 碱性 …
Furfural | Uses, Structure, Definition, & Production | Britannica
furfural (C4H3O-CHO), best known member of the furan family and the source of the other technically important furans. It is a colourless liquid (boiling point 161.7 °C; specific gravity 1.1598) subject to darkening on exposure to air. It dissolves in water to the extent of 8.3 percent at 20 °C and is completely miscible with alcohol and ether.
2-furyl group (CHEBI:19586) - EMBL-EBI
Chemical Entities of Biological Interest (ChEBI) is a freely available dictionary of molecular entities focused on 'small' chemical compounds.
Furan-2-ide | C4H3O- | CID 59111421 - PubChem
May 7, 2021 · Furan-2-ide | C4H3O- | CID 59111421 - structure, chemical names, physical and chemical properties, classification, patents, literature, biological activities, safety/hazards/toxicity information, supplier lists, and more.
C4H3O - CAS号查询 - 爱化学
Computational Investigation on the Formation and Decomposition ...
Jul 7, 2021 · Gas-phase mechanism and kinetics of the formation and decomposition reactions of the C 4 H 3 O compound, a crucial intermediate of the atmospheric and combustion chemistry, were investigated using ab initio molecular orbital theory and the very expensive coupled-cluster CCSD (T)/CBS (T,Q,5)//B3LYP/6-311++G (3df,2p) method together with transitio...
buta-2,3-dien-1-one | C4H3O - ChemSpider
ChemSpider record containing structure, synonyms, properties, vendors and database links for buta-2,3-dien-1-one, HFRDPHOWGJASIM-UHFFFAOYSA-N
四氢呋喃结构式 - 百度知道
Nov 15, 2010 · 2013-12-11 c4h3o四氢呋喃的结构式是什么? 2013-06-16 四氢呋喃的简称是什么 13 2011-10-02 四氢呋喃是什么?英文缩写是什么? 7 2015-08-27 写出二氧六环和thf的结构式 2011-05-01 吡啶、吡喃、吡咯、呋喃,还有类似名称的都是怎么样的结构式?如...
C4H3O - LookChem
Formula: C4H3O; Name: 2-Propynyl, 1-formyl-Cas: 117068-23-2; Formula: C4H3O; Total:6 Page 1 of 1 1. About us - Payment - Contact us - Links - Help Center - Disclaimer - Add to favorite; SiteMap | Product SiteMap | New CAS | Cas Database | Article Data | Product Name | Chemical Catalog | Manufacturers | VIP Product | Suppliers
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