State Disbursement Unit | CA Child Support Services
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PAYMENT OPTIONS - CA Child Support Services
Call the California State Disbursement Unit (SDU) at 1-866-901-3212. Credit and debit cards processed by phone will charge a 1.9% service fee on every transaction.
Make A Payment Online | CA Child Support Services
To make a payment online, you can use a credit or debit card, use PayPal, or pay directly from your checking or savings account. These payments are not processed by California Child Support – you will be taken to the California State Disbursement Unit (SDU) website.
Customer Connect - California
Access your case information. View your payment information. View all available eDocuments. Contact case managers electronically. Provide updates for other party's profile information. …
Employer Payment Information - DCSS
Under state and federal law, employers are required to remit all California child support income withholding payments to the California State Disbursement Unit (SDU).
Child Support Payments | CA.gov
2024年11月21日 · Today, child support payments are collected and processed by a single entity, the State Disbursement Unit. Required by federal law, the State Disbursement Unit processes 100% of child support payments in California.
Paying child support | California Courts | Self Help Guide
It's sometimes called an earnings assignment or wage garnishment. Once your employer receives the order, they have 10 days to take the money from your next paycheck. T hen, your employer must send the money to the (SDU). The SDU then sends the …
Making Child Support Payments – Child Support Services
California’s State Disbursement Unit (SDU) offers several options to Person Paying Support (PPS) for paying support if the payment is not already being withheld from the PPS's earnings or if the PPS wants to make additional payments.
CONTACT US - CA Child Support Services
If you are thinking about child support and need to get a court order, or if you have a court order already that needs to be enforced, you have several options to contact us: This is an automated phone service that offers several options, including: (DO NOT SEND CHILD SUPPORT PAYMENTS TO BELOW ADDRESS)
Payment Information | Department of Child Support Services
The SDU provides cost effective and convenient centralized processing for the collection and distribution of child support payments for all California Local Child Support Agencies (LCSAs).