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CA View® - Broadcom
For your convenience, CA Technologies provides one site where you can access the information that you need for your Home Office, Small Business, and Enterprise CA Technologies products. At http://ca.com/support, you can access the following resources: Online and telephone contact information for technical assistance and customer services
Output Management View™ for z/OS 14.0 - Broadcom
Learn how to use OM View for z to manage the storage and retrieval of your job SYSOUT and reports.
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CA View® - Broadcom
This section discusses CA View downward compatibility and encryption, compatibility with CA Balancing, and compatibility with CA Output Management Web Viewer. Security and Privileges
CA CSM provides a common way to manage mainframe products. CA CSM provides a web interface, which works with Electronic Software Delivery (ESD) and standardized installation and management of mainframe products. You can use it to download and install CA View. CA CSM lets you download product and maintenance releases over the Internet directly
OM View™ - Broadcom Inc.
View is a scalable and extensible report management solution designed to help you reduce costs and comply with the regulations while enhancing document management within your enterprise by: Minimizing time-consuming manual tasks and lowering document delivery and storage costs
Select and Retrieve Reports - Broadcom
Use the selection list to select and retrieve one archived SYSOUT group or report. You can then print or view the output.
CA-View (SAR) - CDT Services
CA-View (Formerly known as SAR), a SYSOUT Archival and Retrieval system, is a facility for storing and retrieving computer output. Clients should consider CA-View as an alternative to storing listings for their retention needs.
What is CAVIEW? - IBM Mainframe Community
2008年3月11日 · CA-VIEW is a facility that archives and retrieves computer output. Any SYSOUT can be specified for archiving. CA-VIEW is especially well-suited to management of the following classes of data:
CA View/Deliver - Broadcom Community - VMTN - Discussion …
You can install CA View and CA Deliver Release 12.2 by using either CA Chorus Software Manager (CA CSM) or the PAX files. See the Download Center on CA Support Online for the files that you need.
Creating and Using Logical Views in CA View - myBroadcom
This document is a brief overview of how to create and use logical views in CA View. In CA View, there are two types of views for a report, the Native view and a logical view. The Native view displays the full report content. A Logical view allows for customizing the way that View displays a report, without in any way altering the original data.