在中国使用过的747们 - 搜狐
2017年8月31日 · 1980年2月,中国民航(CAAC)引进了自己的第一架宽体客机。 这架飞机注册号B-2442,生产序列号433,是一架波音747SP型飞机。 这也是中国民航的第一架波音747。 中国民航的第一架波音747,1982年4月拍摄于巴黎戴高乐国际机场。 此时这架飞机已经服役了26个月。 到今天为止,中国大陆及港台地区的航空公司共累计引进了228架波音747,涵盖了波音747-100到波音747-8的全部子型号。 在这里,为了纪念乔·萨特先生,我们将按照型号,来为大家 …
知天命的空中女皇——波音747在中国 - 什么值得买
2019年3月4日 · 1.1980年2月,中国民航(CAAC)引进了自己的第一架宽体客机——747SP。 这架飞机注册号B-2442,,这也是中国民航的第一架波音747。 747SP比747-100短14.7米,是747系列中唯一一款长度缩短的型号。 747SP的机身中间部份重新设计,单槽襟翼取代了三槽式襟翼,取消了机翼下用来控制襟翼活动的“独木舟”。 相比早期747型号,747SP拥有较长的垂直及水平尾翼和双层尾舵。 中国大陆地区引进了4架波音747SP——B2442,B2444,B-2452,B …
CAAC Airlines Fleet Details and History - Planespotters.net
CAAC Airlines (IATA: CA / ICAO: CCA) was an airline headquartered in Beijing, China operating from 1953 to 1988
CAAC (airline) - Wikipedia
CAAC (中国民航), formerly the People's Aviation Company of China (中国人民航空公司), was the airline division of the Civil Aviation Administration of China and the monopoly civil airline in the People's Republic of China. It was founded on 17 July …
CAAC Fleet of B747 (History) - Airfleets aviation
CAAC Fleet of B747 (History) - Aviation website for aircraft and airline information (flight, photo, travel, fleet listing, production list of Airbus Boeing Douglas Embraer Dash, ATR, Sukhoi, Saab...), plane photos for planespotters, flightlog database, aviation news, aviation store.
B-2444 Boeing 747SP-J6 - aussieairliners.org
Its formation was a result of the government's decision to split the operating divisions of Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC) into separate airlines. Air China was given chief responsibility for intercontinental flights and took over the CAAC's long haul aircraft and routes when it was granted autonomy.
B-2440 - CAAC - Civil Aviation Administration of China (747-243B)
Detailed information about B-2440, a 747-243B operated by CAAC - Civil Aviation Administration of China. Check out history, photos, and more on PlaneLogger.
747-400机型数据 - 百度文库 主货舱最小装载限制 747-41BF 型飞机主货舱装载时,在 B.A.525.0 到 B.A.1000.0 和 B.A.1480.0 到 B.A.2218.0 位置间,在机身方向上单位长度最小装载 重量限制值如下表所示,在 B.A.1000.0 到 B.A.1480.0 位置间,该限 制值为 131.5KG/IN。 休息舱数据 747-41BF 型飞机休息舱数据如下图,在飞机滑行、起飞和落地时,该 舱不能超过 6 人。 驾驶舱和休息舱人员合计不能超过 8 人。 货舱数据 本公司 747-41BF 型飞机散货舱的货网位置在 B.A.1920,在本手 …
CAAC Fleet - Airfleets aviation
For more details about an aircraft category, click on the corresponding number in the table below. The 'Parked' status corresponds to planes which have not flown for 20 days but of which we have no information that they have left the operator's fleet.
5N-EEE Kabo Air Boeing 747-243B - Planespotters.net
2024年1月22日 · Boeing 747-243B with registration 5N-EEE (ex I-DEMU, N358AS, B-2440, N747BL, G-VGIN) airframe details and operator history including first flight and delivery dates, seat configurations, engines, fleet numbers and names
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