LibreCAD - Free Open Source 2D CAD
LibreCAD is a feature-packed and mature 2D-CAD application with some really great advantages: No worries about trials, subscriptions, license costs or annual fees. Developed by an experienced team and supported by an awesome community, LibreCAD is also free to hack and copy.
开源免费的2D CAD制图软件 LibreCAD v2.2.1 中文版|无忧软件
2025年1月6日 · LibreCAD 是一个免费的、开源的、广泛的二维(2D)计算机辅助设计程序,专门为创建工业设计的专业人士以及那些正在寻找可用于其小型设计项目的经济实惠甚至免费的绘图工具的人设计。 顾名思义,该程序只提供 2D 功能,缺乏 3D 解决方案所能提供的功能。 但是,当涉及到创建复杂的设计时,它几乎拥有一个用户或艺术家所需要的一切。 它还兼容并支持常用的操作系统(OS),包括 Windows、不同版本的 Linux,以及 MacOS。 最重要的是,它具有多语 …
Autodesk AutoCAD 2.x (DOS) - WinWorld
Autodesk AutoCAD 2.x (DOS) AutoCAD, from Autodesk and first released in 1982, is a powerful Computer Aided Design tool. It was, and still is, often considered the standard for CAD tools. Primarily for the IBM PC platform, it was ported to x86 machines with higher video resolutions such as the Zenith Z-100 and NEC APC.
CAD Software | 2D and 3D Computer-Aided Design - Autodesk
Best-in-class tool for 2D CAD drafting, drawing, and documentation. Subscription includes AutoCAD LT on desktop, web, and mobile. Draft, annotate, and add field data to your drawings online via your web browser or mobile device. Access and edit DWG files, and quickly collaborate with AutoCAD users on designs.
LibreCAD v2.2.1.1 繁體中文版 - 免費的 2D CAD 繪圖軟體,可取代 AutoCAD …
LibreCAD 是一款開放原始碼的免費 2D CAD 繪圖軟體,也是一款跨平台的軟體,支援包括 Windows, Mac OS X 和 Linux ,而且提供逾 20 種語言版本讓使用者選擇。 LibreCAD 的圖檔格式為 DXF、JWW,且可將圖形匯出為 SVG、TIF、BMP、XBM、JPG、PNG 等。
2D CAD Software | Drawing & Drafting - Autodesk
Discover some of the top 2D CAD drawing and drafting tools and features available with Autodesk software. Customize the size, color, and style of text to create professional-looking drawings, and format text with columns and boundaries to make it easy to read.
7 Best Free 2D CAD Software for 2024 - 3DSourced
2024年1月8日 · For most users, I’d recommend LibreCAD. This no-strings-attached free 2D CAD software is compatible with Windows, Mac, and Linux, and offers a thorough suite of essential sketching and drafting tools. It’s ideal for hobbyists looking to create mechanical drawings or designs for laser cutting and CNC milling.
QCAD is a free, open source application for computer aided drafting (CAD) in two dimensions (2D). With QCAD you can create technical drawings such as plans for buildings, interiors, mechanical parts or schematics and diagrams. QCAD works on Windows, macOS and Linux.
下载 AutoCAD 软件_AutoCAD 免费试用版_Autodesk 欧特克官网
Autodesk AutoCAD 为建筑师、工程师和施工专业人员提供精确的工具,可以: 使用实体、曲面和网格对象设计和标注二维几何图形及三维模型; 自动执行绘图任务,以使用 AI 放置对象、比较图形、发布明细表、创建布局等
CAD自学网 - CAD视频教程,CAD软件下载,免费的设计软件教程自 …
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