My CAG M4 MRE rifle work-in-progress : r/MilitaryARClones - Reddit
2021年10月10日 · From the very first prototypes to the Block II M4A1s on frontline service in USSOCOM, we embrace all the specialized variants of the Black Rifle, even those fighting under other flags. If you like r/RetroAR but want modern stuff, this place is for you! Here’s my early 2000s CAG/Delta Force M4 with Knights MRE rail mock up.
CAG 进度更新贴 mre m4 2.0 - 百度贴吧
CAG 进度更新贴 ..redi mag v2.0初版待改更新mrem4 3.0整点老东西 【图片】CAG 进度更新贴 mre m4 2.0【arma3吧】_百度贴吧 网页 资讯 视频 图片 知道 文库 贴吧 地图 采购
HK416和Tier 1之间的二三事 - 哔哩哔哩
CAG玩家造型交流:探究真相与搭配建议 - 百度贴吧
国内素有八十万之称的cag造型大潮似乎从未减弱过生命力。 其中水平参差不齐,绝大多数都徘徊于射友自创的“xx风格”,看到mc就联想到sfodd,槽点无数 a.复制人玩法。别人用啥我(原品/复刻,不然就找自己认为样子接近的款式代替)就用啥。
CAG 2014-2015造型小结:基于实际需求的搭配 - 百度贴吧
cag突出一个任务多性质杂,投掷物到用时方恨少,我就把所有种类都带了一个,震撼弹用的尤其多,带两个。 我的体型原因,M码的CPC穿上势必会露出 一节魔术贴,但是因为头一节molle格外宽 我就塞了一个闪包,到时候可以随便塞点啥 比如不戴的眼镜或者又是一 ...
Modern CAG Assaulter Loadout - The Reptile House
2019年4月14日 · My rifle is a Systema PTW, based on a HAO HK416D V2 kit. It was originally black, but I’ve had it Cerakoted to mimic the look seen in pics. You can read a more detailed article about the modern CAG 416 by Tan_Rifle, here. 1. The Influences. For my assaulter kit I have three big inspirations: The formation picture and, of course… 2. The Methodology.
No more of this non clone bullshit. The definitive CAG MRE.
2023年6月4日 · A subreddit focusing on cloning military M16 and M4 Carbine variants, built on civilian AR15 or registered M16 receivers. From the very first prototypes to the Block II M4A1s on frontline service in USSOCOM, we embrace all the specialized variants of the Black Rifle, even those fighting under other flags.
基于AR系衍生出的轻机枪(?)和精确射手步枪风评如何? - 知乎
如果你能够保持M4润滑,仅使用milspec弹药(M855和M193),使用状况良好的弹匣,并在半自动上发射,那么M4可以表现很好。 但是一旦你试图将其推到极限之外, 如极端的射击条件和大量的全自动射击,以及在很少或没有润滑油的情况下运行它,你就会遇到问题。
Finished my m4 mre setup, which was adopted by CAG in early …
2023年2月8日 · Finished my m4 mre setup, which was adopted by CAG in early 2000s. Archived post. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Very nice! As a person who also ran a MRE with a cag kit I highly recommend mounting the MRE rail upside down so it sits lower (common practice) it makes it easier to see clearly over the peq 2.