11B-503 Passenger drop-off and loading zones - Corada
11B-503.3 Access aisle. Passenger drop-off and loading zones shall provide access aisles complying with Section 11B- 503 adjacent and parallel to the vehicle pull-up space. Access aisles shall adjoin an accessible route and shall not overlap the vehicular way.
Chapter 11B Accessibility to Public Buildings, Public ... - UpCodes
At least one passenger drop-off and loading zone complying with Section 11B -503 shall be provided at an accessible entrance to licensed medical care and licensed long-term care facilities where the period of stay may exceed twenty-four hours.
CBC provisions provide minimum standards to safeguard life or limb, health, property, and public welfare by regulating and controlling the design, construction, quality of materials, use and occupancy, location, and maintenance of all buildings and structures and certain equipment.
11B-503.2 Vehicle pull-up space - corada.com
11B-503.2 Vehicle pull-up space. Passenger drop-off and loading zones shall provide a vehicular pull-up space 96 inches (2438 mm) wide minimum and 20 feet (6096 mm) long minimum.
2019 California Building Code, Title 24, Part 2, Volume 1
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Passenger Drop-Off and Loading Zones | UpCodes
Passenger drop-off and loading zones, except those required to comply with Sections 11B -209.2.2 and 11B -209.2.3, shall provide at least one passenger drop-off and loading zone complying with Section 11B -503 in every continuous 100 linear feet (30480 mm) of drop-off and loading zone space, or fraction thereof.
2019 California Building Code, Title 24, Part 2 (Volumes 1 & 2 ...
11B-505.10.3 Bottom extension at stairs. At the bottom of a stair flight, handrails shall extend at the slope of the stair flight for a horizontal distance equal to one tread depth beyond the last riser nosing.
11B-503.3.3 Marking - corada.com
Note: This document or portion of document references a state or local code that is stricter than the 2010 ADA Standards requires. 11B-503.3.3 Marking. Access aisles shall be marked with a painted borderline around their perimeter.
Chapter 11B, Division 5 (General Site and Building Elements)
Handrail Extensions 11B-505.2.1 Orientation. The orientation of at least one handrail shall be in the direction of the stair run, perpendicular to the direction of the stair nosing, and shall not reduce the minimum required width of the stair. This amendment carries forward the 2010 CBC provision that was “inadvertently” omitted in the 2013 ...
11B-503.1 General - corada.com
Passenger drop-off and loading zones shall comply with Section 11B-503. [Safe Harbor only applies to existing passenger drop-off and loading zones in the vicinity of, and leading to, a primary...